Stretch ceilings - are they harmful to health?

Despite the fact that manufacturers who produce stretch ceilings, assure us of their environmental safety, the media is increasingly questioning whether they are harmful to health. But these products attract us, as a variety of design options, and ease of care. Let's look at this issue a little more broadly.

Factors affecting the safety of stretch ceilings

  1. Stretch ceiling material . In any case, the composition of stretch ceilings is artificial, whether it is PVC film or fabric. With products from such material, we are constantly confronted in everyday life. Inertness of vinyl and polyurethane is one of the most valuable properties, making products from them absolutely harmless.
  2. Ceiling Manufacturer . Firms with a global reputation, trying not to tarnish their reputation, control the entire production phase. However, constant laboratory testing for the presence of harmful substances affects the price. Products as a result become expensive, but it's worth it. About what are harmful stretch ceilings , you need to think especially when we are offered a cheap product that does not have a certificate of conformity.

Signs of poor quality of the ceiling material

Whether suspended ceilings in the bedroom , living room or other room are harmful, it is also possible to judge the non-odor-free odor after installing this structure. Its complete absence should be observed after a few days. Problems in this regard indicate industrial violations, which are used to reduce the cost of products. And, as a consequence, the release of toxic substances into the air. You can save the situation only by changing the goods to a better one.

In addition to the above, there are operating rules prohibiting installation near heating appliances. Given all the factors that can affect our health, you can safely install a stretch ceiling even in the children's bedroom, not thinking about whether it is harmful.