Folic acid in pregnancy planning is a must for future mothers and dads

Many married couples, especially mature (over 30), began to take seriously the conception of children. They prepare in advance for the upcoming pregnancy, so they jointly take folicin, folate or vitamin B9, called folic acid. The substance plays a critical role in the mechanisms of conception and subsequent development of the fetus.

Why drink folic acid while planning pregnancy?

This chemical compound produces a lot of positive effects:

Another important reason why folic acid is consumed before conception is its direct involvement in the formation of DNA and RNA structures. The substance described is responsible for the transfer of correct genetic information to the baby. Folic acid in the planning of pregnancy guarantees the normal formation of all the organic systems of the embryo. In addition, it prevents the development of serious diseases in the alleged mother and fetus.

Folic acid for women in pregnancy planning

A severe vitamin B9 deficiency is associated with oocyte pathologies, which can lead to fertilization. The other consequences of folacin shortage for the mother:

Most of the congenital problems of the fetus are formed within 4.5 weeks after the introduction of the egg, when the future parents are not yet happy to start a new life. For this reason, it is important to take folacin in advance, and not after confirmation of fertilization. The folic acid norm when planning pregnancy effectively prevents the following disorders:

Folic acid for men in pregnancy planning

Recent foreign studies in the field of reproductive medicine have found that even in completely healthy young people without addictions to bad habits, 4% of sperm has defects. This phenomenon is called aneuploidy, it is characterized by an incorrect number of nucleoprotein structures (chromosomes) in the spermatozoon. This pathology prevents conception and may cause the syndrome of Shereshevsky-Turner, Down or Klinefelter in the fetus.

Accepted pure folic acid in pregnancy planning significantly reduces the level of aneuploidy (by about 30%). If the future dad additionally receives vitamin B9 with food, the number of defective spermatozoa becomes even less, and the quality of the seed increases. Based on these facts, men in parallel with women are prescribed folic acid - the use of a chemical substance during pregnancy planning helps conceive an intellectually and physically healthy baby. It is important to use folacin correctly, according to medical instructions.

Dosage of folic acid in pregnancy planning

The portion of folate taken depends on the vital and nutritional habits and the general state of the organisms of the future parents. Only a doctor can decide how much to drink folic acid when planning a pregnancy. A married couple who does not have harmful addictions, and who feeds in a balanced way, can do without an additional folacin supplement. The diet of partners should be rich in such products:

Most future parents do not have the ability to regularly and regularly consume these dishes, so they are recommended (mandatory) folic acid in planning pregnancy. In the thermally processed food, vitamin B9 can be destroyed, which implies the need for additional replenishment of its deficiency in the body systems.

Folic acid planning for pregnancy - dosage for women

Each manufacturer of preparations containing folacin uses dosage forms (tablets, capsules) with different concentrations of active substance. The standard female dose of folic acid in the planning of pregnancy is mainly from 800 to 1100-1150 mcg per day. Excess of vitamin B9 is also undesirable and even dangerous, therefore it is necessary to strictly follow the advice of a specialist. The increase in the portion is permissible only if there is an acute shortage of this chemical substance.

Folic acid for men when planning pregnancy - dosage

The future dad, who scrupulously monitors his own physical health and fully eats, is not addicted to alcohol and does not smoke, 400-700 micrograms of folacin will suffice every 24 hours. Otherwise, the daily dose of folic acid in pregnancy planning slightly increases (0.8-1.15 mg). The standard recommended serving is 1 mg, it can be divided into 2 doses or drunk immediately. Folic acid is prescribed for a man before conception in parallel with a woman. It is desirable to use funds with vitamin E. Tocopherol stimulates the production of sperm and improves its quality.

What kind of folic acid to drink when planning pregnancy?

A popular and inexpensive drug are vitamins with the same name. Pharmacy folic acid before conception is an optimal choice for both cost and dosage. Each tablet or capsule contains 1 mg of active ingredient, which corresponds to the base daily portion. If desired, you can buy similar products in which there is both folacin and other useful ingredients (vitamins B6, B12).

Vitamins with folic acid in pregnancy planning

The acute deficiency of vitamin B9 detected during the examination of the pair provides for the appointment of special medicines to the future parents with the highest possible concentration of the described substance - Apo-Folic or Folacin. Folic acid in the preliminary planning of pregnancy in an amount of 5 mg helps quickly fill the lack of vitamin.

When the level of folacin in the body is close to normal, standard complexes with a moderate content of the component in question are recommended. Admission of folic acid in the planning of pregnancy is carried out through such drugs:

Specifically for men, the following options have been developed:

How to take folic acid in pregnancy planning?

The use of folate depends on its shape and body needs. The instructions to the purchased medicine should clearly state how to drink folic acid when planning pregnancy. Acceptable method - washing down tablets with water immediately after eating, preferably in the morning. With food, the chemical compound is well absorbed. The frequency can be 1-3 times in 24 hours, according to the concentration of folacin in the capsule.

How much do folic acid take when planning a pregnancy?

The duration of the therapeutic course is assessed individually for each married couple. Advance use of folic acid in pregnancy planning is recommended. It is advisable to start using vitamin B9 for 12-13 weeks before targeted attempts at conception or even earlier. It is important not to make even short-term breaks in admission.

Folic acid - contraindications and side effects

Negative reactions, which provoke vitamin B9, arise from the digestive, respiratory, nervous system and skin:

There are cases where folic acid is completely banned - contraindications include: