Growth of the child in 2 years

One of the main parameters of the development of the baby is its growth. At birth, it is 52-54 cm, which is usually considered the norm. For the first year of his life, the baby on average adds about 20 cm. Therefore, the growth of the baby in 12 months is 75 cm.

After that, the child's growth slows down, and at 2 years the average is 84-86cm. However, this does not mean that each child corresponds to the above standards. Everything depends, first of all, on the individual characteristics of the organism. Also growth is the parameter of development, which is programmed genetically. Therefore, in tall parents, as a rule, children are slightly higher than their peers. Also, this indicator depends on the sex of the baby.

How does the growth of a baby depend on its sex?

Approximately up to 3 years, girls and boys develop at the same pace. Therefore, at 2 years the height of the girl, as well as the boy, is normally 84-86 cm. The jump in the growth in children is observed in 4-5 years. In this case, in girls, this process can begin 1 year earlier, i.e. in 3-4 years. But in the end, by the age of 6-7, boys catch up with girls in growth, and outstrip them. So after 3 years is considered the norm, if the child's growth increases by 4 cm per year. Knowing this, you can easily establish the growth of the child.

It is at the moment when there is a jump in growth, children often complain of rapid fatigue. There is nothing unnatural here. quite often the muscular apparatus does not keep up with the growth of bones. It is not uncommon for cases when directly during this period of time, doctors observed some changes in the work of systems and internal organs, for example, the appearance of noises in the heart .

Dependence of a child's growth growth of his parents?

The growth of the baby directly depends on the growth of his mother and father. In this case, there is a direct dependence on sex. So, if a boy has a high dad, then chances are that the baby will also have a big growth in the future.

Girls at the same time have about the same growth as their mother or the closest relative of a female.

What if the baby's height is not normal?

In order that each mom could easily determine what growth a baby should have in 2 years, there is a special growth chart . Using it, you can easily determine whether this parameter corresponds to the child's development rate, and also track the growth of the child after 2 years.

Quite often, parents face such a situation, when the child is 2 years old, and he is small for his age growth. In such cases, the mother must report her fears to the pediatrician, and consult with him about this. If necessary, analyzes will be assigned that will confirm or refute fears.

Without waiting for treatment, parents will also be able to positively influence the growth of the baby. For this, it is necessary, especially in winter, when there is a lack of sun, to give the child vitamin D, which will fill the lack of calcium in the body, which in turn will accelerate the growth of bones.

In the summer, the baby should, as often as possible, be on the street so that the vitamin is synthesized in his body.

Thus, growth is a very important parameter of physical development, which must be under the constant control of the parents. In the case when the baby does not add to the growth for a long time, it is necessary, as soon as possible, to see a doctor for help, which after the examination will establish the reason for the lag. At the same time, the sooner parents come up with a solution to the problem, the faster the result will be visible. Do not sit and wait for the baby to grow by 1 cm. Perhaps a delay in growth is a sign of severe pathology.