Zephyr is good and bad

Zephyr is one of the most famous sweets created in the post-Soviet space. These delicious "seashells" are made from apple puree, whipped with egg white and pectin - a substance made from fruit fibers and fiber . They almost do not contain fat, so marshmallows are considered more useful for women than many other sweets.

Interesting facts about marshmallows

Why is it called this way? Some cooking historians believe that the reason is that this dessert is tender and light, like a western breeze, which the ancient Greeks also called marshmallows.

The Institute of Nutrition of the RAMS recommended marshmallows as a sweet for inclusion in the menu of kindergartens, boarding schools and schools. The use of marshmallows, according to the results of the Institute's research, is that the marshmallow promotes digestion and mental activity. Naturally, in doing so, it should be part of a balanced, well-thought-out nutrition program, and also produced according to all the rules of the confectionery business.

Marshmallow with losing weight

Useful properties of marshmallows allow you to include it in the diet, even for those who chose restrictions and diet. This is a very low-calorie sweetness: 100 grams of marshmallows account for 326 kilocalories. And those who are dieting need positive emotions and the opportunity to pamper themselves with something delicious, especially if this "tasty" contains carbohydrates , but does not contain fats (like marshmallow).

Of course, the buyer is not able to track all the stages of cooking the product at the confectionery factory. However, prepared by all the rules of marshmallow helps to cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure in the blood. In the composition of marshmallows are such substances useful for our body, as iron, phosphorus and glucose.

How do you know if the marshmallow you are about to buy is useful? If you choose white, or white, but give off in a cream shade - this dessert is absolutely safe. Pinkish texture speaks more likely that the confectioner went too far with preserving and flavoring additives.

Harm and benefit of marshmallows

When asked if the marshmallow is harmful, there is a classic answer: "Everything can be a medicine, and everything can be poison. Everything depends on the dose. " And a little from the time of use, we add from ourselves. The best time for a marshmallow, say dieticians - from 16.00 to 18.00.

The benefits of marshmallows are obvious, but it also harms diabetics, unfortunately, too. There is an opinion of some nutritionists that diabetics can sometimes regale this light dessert, but no one has ever provided proof.

You should also carefully read the composition of the treats indicated on the package. Zephyr is not always delivered in a "pure" form - usually its taste is "decorated" with various confectionery additives: chocolate, coconut shavings, molasses, dyes, etc. Especially attentive is to be allergic.

Be wary of marshmallow, if you suffer from diseases associated with a violation of carbohydrate metabolism or you have problems with the pancreas.