10 unique people, in the existence of which it is impossible to believe!

Agree, life without cranks, originals and simply mad romantics would be fresh and devoid of bright colors.

But even among those who conquer high peaks, the bottom of the ocean, create cool designer things or just struggle to get into the Guinness Book of Records, there are the most unusual, in the existence of which it is simply impossible to believe! Well, like, for example, these 10 people ...

1. Mikel Rufinelli

For this 43-year-old American has long been entrenched a nickname - a woman-hourglass, and it is not surprising, because Mikel Rufinelli is actually the biggest hips in the world! Their girth is 2.4 meters, and this is with an increase of 1.64 cm, weight of 190 kg and a waist of 100 cm.

You will agree that Mikel does not look ordinary at all, and even more - to maintain her forms, she absorbs more than 3,000 calories per day and is afraid to lose weight even by 1 kg, so as not to lose the outlines of the figure in which her husband is so in love!

Yes, you were not mistaken - non-standard forms did not prevent Mikel from organizing a personal life. She is happy in marriage for more than 10 years, brings up four children and every day from the lips of her husband he hears how beautiful! Today, the owner of the biggest hips in the world works as a plus-size model, shoots videos for her popular YouTube channel, and the only drawback of the figure is the inability to travel in a conventional car.

2. Asha Mandela

Meet one more eccentric - Asha Mandela nicknamed "Black Rapunzel", whose hair length has reached 17 meters! But if the fairytale heroine strands were straight, then Asha they are confused in dreadlocks. It is known that the 54-year-old resident of Atlanta fell into the Guinness Book of Records back in 2009, but, even having obtained the coveted title, she did not want to cut off her luxurious wealth. You will not believe it, but Asha kept her dreadlocks even during the fight against cancer and several chemotherapy!

Today, the black hair of Rapunzel weighs almost 18 kg. Doctors warn Ash about the soon curvature of the spine and even disability due to an unusual burden, but her such difficulties do not stop. Today Asha wears her hair in a special basket for walks, washes once a week, and then dries two days. Well, is it possible to believe it?

3. Michel Cobke

No, the waist of this 28-year-old German woman is the thinnest in the world can not be called (examples are even more shocking), but her desire to get the most incredible result is impressive! It is known that Michelle Cobke for three years did not remove the corset from her body, so that the parameters 90-64-90 change to 90-40-90.

Because of such extreme entrainment, the girl's heart and blood vessels may soon develop, digestion, ovarian function, and, consequently, infertility, are disrupted. But Michel believes that only such a waist makes her more confident in herself, and the figure is feminine and attractive, and is not going to leave the intended path, planning to stop only at a mark of 33 cm!

4. Kajol Khan

At a time when ordinary toys are considered dolls and cars, 11-year-old Kajol Khan from the Indian city of Gatampur prefers to play with ... poisonous cobra!

You will not believe it, but this young extreme with deadly friends not only spends leisure, forgetting about schoolwork, and even eats and sleeps. It is known that the snake-killers have already bitten Kajol three times in the stomach, cheeks and hands, but as soon as the girl recovers, she again takes up the old ...

5. Elisani Silva

They say that it's always difficult for teenagers to stand out from the crowd, but in the case of Elisani everything is the other way around - with the growth of 203 cm at 14 years this girl wanted to hide where no one can see her. Yes, until recently the Brazilian Elisani Silva was the tallest teenager in the world, but today she changed this title to the title of the highest model. It is known that gigantism, a disease in which the body produces an excessive amount of growth hormones, brought Elisani a lot of trouble - at first the girl did not fit on the school bus, at the school desk and then could not enter the classroom at all.

But the school years have long ago been over and the high beauty can be congratulated on the new changes in life - she became the highest bride in the world. Most recently, she was offered a hand and heart to her boyfriend and the couple does not bother the difference in height of 40 cm!

6. Romario Dos Santos Alves

How good that girls, in order to look like beloved princesses, just dress up in dresses and paint sponges, because the desire of boys to look like superheroes, lead to disastrous results. Meet is Romario Dos Santos Alves, who really wanted to be a living embodiment of the formidable Hulk!

Just think, but for the sake of cherished musculature Romario did not just go to the gym and switched to special meals, and also began to inject into the muscles of synthol - a synthetic oil mixed with alcohol and ice medicine.

Today Romario biceps swelled to 65 cm, but the worst thing is that the synthol, getting inside, hardens and takes the form of stones! You will not believe, but because of its dependence on injections, Romario even faces amputation of hands, but he is not going to give up his passion!

7. Pakkirappa Hunagundi

Be careful, after learning about the hobby of a 33-year-old Indian, you may have jaws or even a stomach - Pakkirappa Hunagundi likes to gnaw stones, bricks, chalk, sand, clay and even the most common dirt! Such a desire to eat all the inedible was manifested in him as early as 10 years, and today doctors describe this condition as an eating disorder against a background of mineral insufficiency.

You will not believe, but the family can not help Pakkirappa get rid of addiction and go to a healthy diet. It is known that for a day a man eats one brick, not counting stones and dirt, and avoids the use of ordinary food ...

8. Hunter Steinitz

At the first glance at the photo of our next heroine, it may seem as if she is being treated for burns or undergone skin transplantation. But in fact, the 22-year-old Hunter Steinitz has a rare genetic ailment - the ichthyosis of the harlequin, in which the skin looks as if it is very sunburned and clouded. Today, the girl coped with the depression that persecuted her in childhood and adolescence, overcame the complexes and tried to live an active life.

Every day, Hunter rubs several vials of special moisturizing lotions and oils into the skin and wears a wig to hide flaws. And if more recently people with such a disease did not live up to a year, then modern drugs give Hunter a hope for the future, for which she has already entered the university!

9. Pia Martell

The nature was twice tested by Pia Martela - the boy was born with a rare disease, in which the spine and legs were underdeveloped, but during puberty he realized that he felt a feminine ... Yes, today Pedro Martell became a famous transgender dancer named Pia Martell , the lack of legs that does not prevent to conquer the whole world!

The talented and ambitious teenager is already the star of the Internet, where his dance and vocal numbers collect millions of views, and in life Pia is no less active - he walks on his hands, dances by the pole and even skates!

10. Cassidy Hooper

In 1996, a new resident was born in the American city of Charlotte - Cassidy Hooper. But the birth of a baby was not happy, and it plunged parents and doctors into shock - the girl completely lacked eyes and nose! And do you think that all of Cassidy's childhood lived in despair and reclusion? And here not! She chose the motto of her life: "Life is always complicated, but I do not need a simple one. I need the possible! "

In 11 years, Cassidy decided on an operation to create a nose. For this, doctors had to take the skin from the forehead and bone from the rib. Well, more recently, the girl was added with prosthetic eyes and she is happy that her example and the thirst for life can inspire all those around her. Today, Cassidy makes a career in broadcasting, receives a curling club scholarship, rides a car and even plays baseball.