Can a nursing mother have cauliflower?

If before pregnancy, a woman could eat whatever she wants, then during the period of carrying out the baby, and especially breastfeeding, the happy mother will have to revise her menu a little. One of the most pressing issues that worries responsible parents, and which they often ask pediatricians: can a nursing mother eat cauliflower? After all, it is believed that this vegetable can cause increased gas production and colic in crumbs.

Is it worth using cauliflower during lactation?

According to experts, there is no unambiguous answer. Everything depends on the individual inclination to allergic reactions, the amount of the product regularly consumed in food, and the intensity of metabolism. But do not worry too much about whether it is possible for nursing mothers to have cauliflower, if you prefer this particular vegetable. His influence on digestive disorders in infants has not yet been proven from a medical point of view, but the benefits of dishes that include such cabbage are obvious:

  1. Color cauliflower will become an invaluable treasure of microelements, minerals and vitamins for vitamins (vitamins C, E, PP, B6, B1, B2, A, biotin, copper, iron, calcium, zinc, phosphorus, etc.) and therefore, a pledge of good health of the baby. It contains complex carbohydrates, vital for the full functioning of the intestine and the normalization of the stool, and the rough fiber is almost completely absent.
  2. If you still doubt whether it is possible to eat cauliflower in a nursing mother, think about the fact that it improves the gallbladder and liver.
  3. Also this vegetable has a pleasant and delicate taste.

In order not to worry about the fact that you can make cauliflower with lactating mother or not, use it not in fried, but in cooked or stewed. It is not forbidden to add a small amount of salt, sour cream and spices.