FKM of mammary glands

Fibrous-cystic mastopathy (FKM) of the mammary glands is a disease of the breast, in which a benign appearance is noted. With such a violation, a change in the histological structure of the organ is observed. It develops quite often - about 40-70% of women of reproductive age are exposed to it. Consider the disease in detail, and find out: whether it is possible to cure the PCF of the mammary glands, how to treat it and for what symptoms a woman can independently determine the violation.

What is the FFM of the Breast?

Under the mastopathy of the fibrocystic form, we mean a disease in which proliferative processes (proliferation) of the connective and glandular tissues of the breast are simultaneously observed.

What are the main symptoms of the disease?

Having dealt with the fact that this is a breast CTF, consider the signs of this disorder.

To begin with, it must be said that every woman should perform self-diagnosis of the breast. This simple manipulation allows early detection of a violation, if necessary, see a doctor and begin treatment in a timely manner.

The brightest symptom that is present in the PCM is the presence of seals in the gland. In this case, it is necessary to single out one feature: with the onset of the 2nd phase of the menstrual cycle, in the premenstrual period, the densification becomes painful. The nature of pain can be very diverse:

With palpation, a woman can detect both single small seals and multiple nodes in the form of grape bunches. In most cases, the PKM mainly affects the upper parts of the breast.

In general, FKM is characterized by the following complaints from the woman:

How is treatment carried out?

It is necessary to say that therapeutic actions in this disease can have a radical or conservative approach.

The basis of conservative treatment is hormone therapy, tk. in most cases it is hormonal imbalance that leads to PCM. The following groups of drugs are used:

The appointment is made solely by the doctor, considering the stage, spread, severity of the symptoms of the disorder. The diagnosis of "breast CTF" is not a verdict, and a woman should know that such a disease can be successfully treated with timely treatment.