Watermelon - good and bad

Outside the window is a hot, sunny summer, which, of course, pleases not only with its warmth, swimming in water, but also with the harvest of fruits, vegetables and berries. Among the latter, watermelons , a delicacy that you can eat and drink, are very much in demand, though you sometimes ask yourself the question of whether only the benefits of watermelon or whether there is harm. We will deal with this in more detail.

Than the water-melon for an organism is useful?

  1. Firstly, it is worth noting that watermelon is a storehouse of vitamins important for human health: B1, B2, B6, PP, C, D. In addition, it contains salts, calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, folic acid.
  2. By including this berry in your daily diet, you, thereby, stimulate the metabolic processes in the liver. In addition, the consumption of watermelon prevents the formation of stones in the bile ducts. It is an excellent prevention of sclerotic diseases. Proceeding from this, the sweet fruit is an effective remedy for cholecystitis, chronic hepatitis.
  3. Because Folic acid contributes to the production of blood, watermelon should be consumed with anemia, gout, hypertension, arthritis, atherosclerosis.
  4. Watermelon flesh absorbs toxins, which tend to accumulate in the intestine, thereby it improves its microflora.
  5. In the summer berry contains a substance such as lycopene, which copes well with cancer of the colon, breast, prostate, pancreas.
  6. White flesh improves the microflora of the large intestine. By the way, it is cooked from delicious jam, which is an excellent medicine for dysbiosis.
  7. Benefits from watermelon, not only in its flesh, but also in seeds, which in China are in the same demand, as we have sunflowers. In addition, an oil containing zinc and selenium is made from them, which in turn improves spermatogenesis and acts as an indispensable preventive tool against prostate adenoma. It will not be superfluous to note that in folk medicine grated water-melon seeds in combination with milk are used as a hemostatic.

What is harmful watermelon?

  1. Of course, if you do not cultivate these berries, then there is always the possibility of poisoning with nitrates, a large number of which are contained in the crust.
  2. Do not buy a cracked watermelon. After all, it is through the smallest cracks that germs can leak.
  3. Experts argue that the most dangerous and harmful for the body are the early fruits. They are watered with mineral fertilizers in order to increase the yield. Watermelon flesh in this case has veins. Moreover, having bought such a berry, you are not immune from the fact that the liver can not cope with a large number of nitrates, which can subsequently provoke hepatitis.