Highlander Serpentine

The plant with the biological name Bistortae rhizoma is known in folk medicine as a snake mountaineer, cervical cervix, large serpentine, a throat, veal tongue. From its roots are prepared healing infusions and decoctions - these recipes and useful properties of the mountaineer snake today and will be discussed.

Composition and properties of plants

In the rhizome of the mountaineer the snake contains a large amount of tannic substances (25%), as well as starch (26%). The rest is accounted for by:

But the herb of the mountaineer of the snake contains flavonoids and ascorbic acid, although the above-ground part of the plant is not used for medicinal purposes.

Preparations prepared from rhizome have:

The curative effect manifests itself both with the use of drugs inside, and with external application (when washing wounds, for example).

The use of the mountaineer snake in medicine

Tea from the rhizomes of the plant effectively rinse the mouth and throat in case of various inflammatory processes (sore throats, stomatitis , gingivitis, scurvy). Thanks to the content of tannins, this tea helps to get rid of diarrhea, bloating, flatulence. In the form of tincture, the root of the snake mountaineer is recommended for duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcer, nervous disorders, dysentery, diseases of female organs and various bleedings. Also tincture is washed with wounds and ulcers, impose on them lotions.

Decoction from the rhizome of the mountaineer snake will help with cholecystitis, urine and cholelithiasis, cystitis. For douching the vagina with whites, use a decoction in combination with other herbs.

In Chinese medicine, the snake mountaineer is used in the treatment of tumors, and the tincture from the flowers of this plant is used in the treatment of ear diseases.

Recipes of medicines from the mountaineer snake

Extract or tincture from the rhizomes of a medium-sized coil is prepared on the basis of alcohol 70% - the components are taken in equal parts. The drug with the name Extractum Bistortae fluidum is sold in pharmacies, and take it for 25 - 30 drops before meals three times a day. The content of tannins in this medicine is at least 18%.

Decoction of the mountaineer snake is prepared from the calculation of 10 g of dry ground root (you can add seeds) to 200 - 250 ml of warm water. Within 30 minutes, the agent is boiled in a water bath, stirring constantly. A filtered and cooled broth is taken before a meal in 1 spoon four times a day.

Infusion from the root of the snake mountaineer is cooked in a thermos: 10 - 20 g of dried and finely chopped raw material is poured into a boiling water glass. Drink infusion three times a day, single dose - 1 spoon.

Medicines from the mountaineer of the snake have contraindications: they can not be taken to people with a sensitive stomach and with constipation.

Procurement of raw materials

The root of the plant can be excavated all year round, however, it is in May that the concentration of tannins in it is greatest. To collect raw materials it is necessary to choose an ecologically clean area - usually the snake mountaineer grows in damp places: in river valleys, near marshes, in meadows with high groundwater.

Unearthed rhizomes should be cleaned of soil and side roots, washed in warm water. Dry raw materials in air, in a well-ventilated place without direct sunlight. It is effective to dry in the oven at 40 ° C, but for a long time to keep the root in it is impossible, because inside it can mold.

Outside, the roots are dark brown, and the internal incision has a pinkish-brown tinge. Collect snake mountaineer in the same place will be possible only after 9-12 years. To restore the plant, shake the seeds from its flower in the dug out of the hole. In ready-to-use form, the rhizome is sold in pharmacies.