Symptoms of hemorrhoids in women

Symptoms in hemorrhoids in women and men are almost identical. In this case, the causes that caused inflammation of the veins in the anus are significantly different. In general, women suffer from this delicate disease more often. We will tell you who is primarily at risk of developing the disease and what are the first symptoms of hemorrhoids in women.

Signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids in women - what to look for?

The symptoms that appear first in hemorrhoids in women depend on the cause of the disease and its type. According to the nature of the flow, acute and chronic hemorrhoids are distinguished. At the location of the inflamed veins - the inner and outer. There is also a combined type of hemorrhoids, when the disease rapidly progresses and affects both the veins of the anal opening and the rectum simultaneously. Hemorrhoids in the inner and outer zone occur for various reasons and manifest themselves in different ways:

  1. The most common reason for the appearance of internal nodes in women is a sedentary lifestyle and frequent stress. As a result, blood stagnation occurs in the pelvic region and small veins in the anus area become inflamed. At this stage, the disease most often occurs asymptomatically.
  2. Practically without expressed signs hemorrhoids, provoked by strong pains at a menses and disturbances of a hormonal background begin. You can guess the onset of the illness after feeling discomfort during and after defecation, as well as aching pain in the lower abdomen. Especially often such symptoms of hemorrhoids appear in women after 30-40 years.
  3. A beautiful half of mankind is prone to fatigue themselves with diets, which is bad for the motility of the intestines. If you suffer from constipation , the probability of earning hemorrhoids increases several times. A dangerous signal is the appearance of blood in the feces.
  4. Work associated with frequent weight lifting, or excessive zeal in the gym also increases the chance of hemorrhoids. In this case, the acute course of the disease and the lesion of the external area of ​​the anus are more likely. The main sign at this stage is pain and bleeding.
  5. Unfortunately, every second woman after childbirth has a problem with hemorrhoids. The disease in this case can manifest itself in different ways, but without painful sensations it almost never does.

Symptoms of exacerbation of hemorrhoids in women

With internal hemorrhoids, the disease causes less discomfort, but the symptoms of external hemorrhoids in women are always associated with the urgent need to consult a doctor:

Each of these signs is a signal that it is time to take emergency measures. The longer the hemorrhoidal nodes are left unattended, the more likely it is that a strong inflammation will develop. What causes swelling in the anal area and intestines? The consequences can be very severe - from internal suppuration, to loss of functions of bowel emptying. In addition, anal fissures that occur when the nodes are damaged during defecation are excellent gateways for infections, which can lead to serious systemic diseases.

Also, women who have left hemorrhoids without attention, several times increase the likelihood of developing gastrointestinal cancer. All can begin with polyps of the colon and rectum, which for several years with a high probability will be transformed into carcinoma. Do not hesitate to contact the proctologist at the first signs of hemorrhoids. So you will relieve yourself of constant discomfort and protect your body from the appearance of many other diseases!