Ginseng tincture

There are a lot of medicinal plants that do not need advertising: they and their miraculous properties have been known for a long time. One of such healing representatives of the flora is ginseng, also referred to as human root due to the form of the long, white branched root used for treatment.

This plant grows to 70 cm in height, the duration of its life can be a whole century. In our country, the herb grows in Primorsky Krai, in China, Korea and Japan it is grown especially for the creation of tincture of ginseng. Use the plant with the mind, otherwise you can damage the body.

What is useful for tincture of ginseng?

Scientists are still studying the miraculous properties of plants, discovering new components in it, which help to understand its effect on humans. The rhizome of ginseng contains:

Application of tincture of ginseng

All drugs based on ginseng medics are usually allowed to apply for a long time, the scope of this natural product is very wide. The main indications for the use of tincture of ginseng are:

The root of ginseng establishes the work of the nervous system, and stabilization occurs gradually and without negative consequences. It is known that the drug increases the sensitivity of the eyes, fights against a number of microorganisms, tones the heart and blood vessels, helps break up fats and produce hormones, increases glycogen synthesis and lowers blood sugar levels.

Essential oil, contained in the rhizome, perfectly removes the pain syndrome. It is worth noting that ginseng - this is a curative and preventive remedy, which folk healers resort to in order to obtain vivacity and longevity. In China, ginseng is considered the root of life.

Contraindications for use

Along with useful properties, there are also contraindications to the intake of tincture of ginseng:

It is also not recommended to drink tincture of ginseng during pregnancy and during the heat. Alcoholic drinks, coffee and strong tea strengthen the action of the drug, so they should be excluded for the duration of treatment.

How to drink tincture of ginseng?

For the prevention of diseases 15-20 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day, 10-15 drops are taken internally. The course of admission is a month. For the treatment of ginseng tincture, drink 30-40 drops per day, depending on the purpose. Dosage should be monitored very carefully. Excessively high doses are fraught with the development of migraines, insomnia and tachycardia.

If any side effects occur, the intake should be halved. If they do not go through 2-3 days after you started taking less tincture of ginseng, you should consult your doctor for advice.

Preparation of tincture of ginseng

Dried root of ginseng (30-100 g) must be crushed, pour vodka (1 liter) and insist a month. Then filter and pour over jars.

Tincture of ginseng for hair

Representatives of the fair sex use medicinal herbs and to maintain their beauty. Tincture of ginseng for women has become an excellent tool against hair loss. Application: rub the tincture into the roots of the hair several times a week. When carrying out the procedure, it is advised to cover the hair with a towel for 30 minutes.