Thrombocytosis - Causes and Treatment

Blood coagulates due to platelets - tiny blood cells. If they are too small, even the smallest wounds do not heal for a long time and continue to bleed. And if for some reason they are many, thrombocytosis is diagnosed and treatment is prescribed. This disease is dangerous, because too much platelets blood thickens, and the risk of blood clots increases significantly.

Causes of thrombocytosis

The disease is diagnosed when the blood cells in one cubic millimeter become more than 400 thousand. The causes of the disease depend on which form of the disease is diagnosed:

  1. Primary thrombocytosis - a consequence of disruption of the stem cells of the bone marrow.
  2. Reactive thrombocytosis develops against the background of acute and chronic infectious diseases.

In combination, the causes of primary and reactive thrombocytosis look like this:

The cause of thrombocytosis can also be an operation to remove the spleen. After it, blood cells are utilized much more slowly. Negative on the body can affect and too sharp refusal of alcohol.

Treatment of thrombocytosis

The direction of therapy is selected depending on the form and stage of the disease. If the thrombocytosis is secondary, first of all it is necessary to direct all forces on struggle against the main cause of the disease. If the disease is primary, one should take into account how much the platelets are increased.

In the latter case, such methods are effective:

  1. The patient is prescribed drugs that reduce blood clotting .
  2. With the help of a special device during the procedure of thrombocytopheresis, excess platelets are removed.
  3. Interferons are used when there are too many blood corpuscles.

Treatment of thrombocytosis with folk remedies

Alternative medicine recommends fighting thrombocytosis with herbs:

  1. A good remedy is tincture on the skin of the chestnut.
  2. Tincture of garlic is a storehouse of useful substances. It favorably affects all systems of the body, including hemopoiesis.
  3. Fighting the disease and decoction of mulberry.