Jam from the petals of roses

This jam can be enjoyed all year round. They can fill the ice cream or complement the taste of ordinary tea. Jam admires the fragrance and color. In addition, you will receive a huge portion of vitamins and a good mood.

Pink jam perfectly fill sweet rolls and baklava - these treats will amaze everyone who tries them!

How to cook jam from the petals of a tea rose?



Petals first sow to get rid of unwanted pollen. Rinse them and pat dry with a towel. Send it to a bowl, pour a hundred grams of sugar and rub it vigorously to form a gruel. The rest of the sugar is poured into a bowl, pour water and put on the smallest fire. Let the syrup boil for 5-7 minutes, enter the lemon juice and mix. Here, shift the previously prepared pink gruel and gently mix. This delicacy needs to be left for another 15 minutes, but make sure that the jam does not thicken strongly. Remove the dishes from the cooker and refrigerate. Pour the fragrant mass into jars and roll them. After a few days, the jam can be tasted.

How to cook a jam from the petals of a tea rose without cooking?



This way of cooking guarantees maximum preservation of vitamins.

Disassemble the buds of roses on petals, wash them well. Now sprinkle them with sugar and rub the mass with your hands, as if rubbing the crystals, so that the petals begin to release the juice. Distribute the stock into cans, cover with capron lids and send it to the cold for storage.

This jam is supplemented with tea, which transforms the drink with an amazing taste, aroma and adds benefits.

Jam from rose petals - an old recipe



Prepare banks in advance, wash them with soda. Covers and jars sterilize. Tear off the rose petals and rinse well.

Place the petals in a suitable container, fill with water, send to fire. After the mass is boiled, cook for 15 minutes. Then add sugar, stir until the crystals dissolve. Cook on low heat for half an hour, stirring. Add the lemonade. Spread an amazingly bright, aromatic treat in cans, tighten with lids.

How to cook jam from rose petals?




Combine the petals with sugar, rub everything into a soft, juicy gruel. Now start preparing the syrup: pour water into a suitable container, send it to the fire and slowly, slowly pour sugar, stirring intensively. Next, send him a pink slurry and cook the jam until ready, that is, the desired density.

Next, place a deliciously delicious treat in sterile jars, close the lids and store in the cold.

Serve jam as a separate dessert for tea or use in the preparation of rolls as a filling.

Jam from rose petals with honey


Pure petals fill with steep boiling water, cook on a low heat for a quarter of an hour. Allow the mass to stand in the room for about a day. Then mix the pink mass with the liquid honey, determine the dishes on a weak fire and boil until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Ready, amazing color jam pour into jars and roll them down.