Fennel for weight loss

In the Middle Ages fennel had the glory of a magic plant. It was believed that a bunch of fennel hanging above the front door would not allow evil spirits to enter the house and harm it to the inhabitants. From his leaves, tea was made, which, according to rumors, had a psychotropic effect. Fennel today is a wonderful side dish to any meat dish, plus - a way to reduce the caloric content of the diet.

What is useful for fennel?

Due to the qualities this plant possesses, it is now used fennel for weight loss. When the onset of hunger, just chew a handful of its seeds - and you will push the feeling of hunger for another few hours. It is believed that regular consumption of any part of this plant reduces the craving for harmful and sweet.

In order to accelerate the fat and carbohydrate metabolism, it is recommended to use a decoction of fennel. To do this, just brew its greens as if you decided to drink tea from it, and drink this drink on a 0.5-1 glass three times a day before eating.

It is believed that fennel oil can remove toxins. It can be added a few drops in the bathroom or in the body cream. This will clear the skin cells and remove the slag not only on the inner level, but also on the outer.

Fennel for weight loss is good and that it perfectly helps to cope with intestinal problems. When you use it, you forget about bloating, constipation and gas accumulation.

Fennel: contraindications

There are only two contraindications to this plant: pregnancy and epilepsy. In addition to these two conditions, nothing prevents its use!

How to cook fennel?

The simplest way you can make a fennel is to thin it thinly and pour it with a sauce of olive oil, lemon juice, salt and black pepper. This lively and extraordinary garnish will refresh every dish! As the green, you can use fennel leaves. And even its seeds are edible: they can be grinded and added for flavor to different dishes.

Fennel root: making the right choice

In order to buy a quality fennel, pay attention to the bulbs: they must have either a pale green or whitish color. If there are faded buds, then the plant will not benefit. It is important to ensure that the leaves are green, without inclusions and yellow inserts. And, of course, pay attention to the smell: it should look like an anise.

Keep the fennel long can not even in the refrigerator, its maximum - 3-4 days. If you have dried seeds, they lie perfectly up to six months in a cool dry place.