Tablets from cough - effective cough preparations, time-tested

Autumn and spring - a time when the human body is prone to seasonal infections, colds, in which a frequent symptom is a cough. Today, pharmaceutical companies offer various effective cough supplements and tablets. With such a huge choice, a natural question arises: what drugs to choose?

Types of cough in adults - causes and treatment

Nature wisely arranged the human body, providing the body with protective mechanisms and organs that remove all accumulated dirt, bacteria, viruses and toxins. One of these protective mechanisms is a cough - a reflex act of the body, aimed at getting rid of the mucus formed as a result of inflammation or getting into the respiratory system of a foreign object.

Why does a cough arise?

The system of human respiratory organs is lined with sensitive ciliated epithelium, which has protective functions against pathogenic agents. Against the background of a weakening of immunity, a failure occurs in the body and pathogens fall into the trachea, descend lower along the bronchial pathways, and if you do not treat diseases accompanied by a cough - the inflammatory process can reach the lungs.

Cough reflex occurs in the medulla oblongata. Causes of a cough:

Mechanism of cough development:

  1. A deep breath lasting 2-3 seconds is accompanied by a reflex irritation of the nerve endings of the muscles of the larynx, while the vocal chasm closes.
  2. At the same time, bronchial muscles are involved in the process, and its tone is increased.
  3. The abdominal muscles begin to contract strongly to overcome the resistance of the closed glottis.
  4. As a result of the generated high intrathoracic pressure, the vocal cavity opens and a forced exhalation with separation of sputum occurs.

Types of cough

Classification of cough is represented by two broad groups:

Dry (unproductive) cough is characterized by the absence of sputum separated, divided into types:

Causes of dry cough:

Wet cough (productive) is accompanied by the separation of sputum:

Causes of wet cough formation:

Effective Cough Tablets

In order to cure the cough was effective, you need to consult a therapist or an ENT specialist. Self-diagnosis here is undesirable, because any cough is not a disease, but a symptom, and doing self-selection of medicines, you can skip the precious time, and the disease itself can be formidable. Antitussive tablets are divided into:

Tablets from dry cough

Dry cough has a severe, disruptive nature, does not bring relief. It often occurs at night and in the morning. Cough is unproductive, so there is no use for it. Nasty, barking attempts exhaust the patient. During this period, it is important to pick up cough pills, which will act depressingly on the cough center.

Tablets with dry cough:

Codeine-containing drugs refer to narcotic drugs and are used very rarely because of the side effect of addiction, they are only released on prescription. Codeine-containing tablets:

Antitussive agents of peripheral action are represented in the pharmaceutical market in abundance. The choice of the drug is best entrusted to the doctor. Drugs with proven efficacy:

Tablets from a wet cough

Means with a damp cough are contraindicated with simultaneous acceptance of codeine and antitussive agents. Tablets from a wet cough begin to apply in phase, when the cough becomes productive. Medicines for wet cough (expectorant):

Combined cough preparations

Antitussive drugs of mixed action have several useful properties:

Tablets for cough with combined action:

Tablets for coughing during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman may experience a decrease in immunity and become vulnerable to seasonal colds. Cough curing during pregnancy is also important, but how not to harm the future baby. The doctor should choose the tablets with a minimal side effect. List of pills for cough that can be used during pregnancy:

How to take pills for cough?

Dosage and timing of the appointment should appoint a doctor. Standard instructions for use are indicated in the drug inserts. Tablets from cough take before or after meals, 3 - 4 times a day, washed down with clean water. Prolonged funds are used 1 time per day. The course of treatment is 5 - 7 days. It is important to remember that self-medication is not safe for life.