Coughing up blood

Coughing up with the blood can be a sign of a completely harmless and insignificant bleeding from the smallest bleeding vessels of the bronchi, and a symptom of the most serious diseases that pose a threat to human life. Therefore, when you notice blood in the excreted sputum, take it very seriously.

Causes of Coughing with Blood

Many diseases of the respiratory system are accompanied by a cough with phlegm. But, if there are no pathologies in the respiratory tract, the mucus secreted is transparent. Basically, the causes of coughing with blood are serious illnesses and conditions of the human body. Consider the diseases that concern them.

Lungs' cancer

Cough expectorant blood, this is one of the symptoms of lung cancer. When a person has this disease, the blood is present in the sputum as veins of bright scarlet color. Do not think about a terrible disease, if the patient does not have rapid weight loss, hot flushes (especially at night), and feelings of lack of air, but you need to do an x-ray immediately.


Cough with blood is often observed with bronchitis. The patient's condition may worsen, or may be the same for a long time. But talk about chronic bronchitis should only be if the cough worries the patient more than 3 months a year, and in the sputum you can see blood veins with pus.

Bronchoectatic disease

The main symptom of this ailment is a long and exhausting cough with copious sputum, in which there is pus and blood veins. But the patient should also have shortness of breath, general weakness and a sufficiently high body temperature.

Abscess of the lung

Patients with cough may feel a taste of blood in their mouths , but in addition to this symptom with an abscess, a bad smell from the mouth, a fever, sweating, weakness and poor appetite arise in the person.


Often traces of blood are present in the sputum during a cough in people who have pneumonia in their bodies.


The main sign of tuberculosis is a cough with blood in the mornings, but in addition to blood veins, purulent impurities appear in the sputum.

In addition, the causes of this phenomenon can hide in diseases of the cardiovascular system or GIT, pulmonary embolism or cystic fibrosis.

Diagnosis of the causes of coughing with blood

If you or your loved ones are coughing up blood during a cough, you should consult a doctor who immediately prescribes the necessary studies to establish the cause of the development of this symptom. Typically, this is one of the following modern diagnostic methods:

After identifying the cause of coughing with blood, the patient is prescribed treatment, which is completely dependent on the underlying disease. The methods of therapy can be different, for example, medicamental or surgical.

When do I need to call an ambulance?

In some cases, delay with the diagnosis after the appearance of a cough with blood can not be! Immediately call an ambulance when you find such discharge from the mouth, it is necessary if:

  1. Cough with blood without temperature or with it has begun sharply, and during an expectoration there is a shortage of air or strong painful sensations in the chest.
  2. In sputum, blood appeared in clots in large quantities or in a fairly liquid state.
  3. A severe cough with blood arose after getting injured or falling.
  4. Cough with blood appeared in a man who constantly and many smokes.
  5. Sputum with blood impurities is observed for several consecutive days without noticeable improvements.