Tablets from toxicosis during pregnancy

Such an excellent condition as pregnancy, unfortunately, is often overshadowed by signs of toxicosis. A modern woman has a huge choice of tablets against toxicosis during pregnancy, designed to ease the state of health and make the process of carrying the child the most beautiful time in life.

What to drink with toxicosis?

It is simply impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Taking any tablets from toxicosis during pregnancy should be done under close supervision of an obstetrician-gynecologist. It is necessary to assess the "benefit-risk" ratio sensibly, because not always what helps mom, it is useful for the fetus. Below is a list, which includes drugs for toxicosis, and a brief description.

Hofitol in pregnancy from toxicosis

This drug is of vegetable origin, therefore it causes minimal possible harm to the mother and the fetus. The main functions that affect the symptoms of toxicosis:

Especially cautiously it should be taken to women with impaired liver function.

Cerucalum in toxicosis

The use of this drug during pregnancy causes conflicting opinions. On the one hand, he is able to almost completely rid the pregnant woman of nausea and vomiting, and on the other - it increases the tone of the muscles of the housing and communal services, as well as the uterus. This is not a standard side effect, but the danger is not excluded.

Essentiale forte with toxicosis

Also refers to medicines that are of vegetable origin. Essentiale in toxicosis helps the liver to cope with the increased load, helps to remove bile from the body, protects and restores the cells of the organs as a whole.

Activated charcoal in toxicosis

It is the most harmless drug that is absolutely not absorbed into the blood. Is able to improve the state of toxicosis thus:

Limonorm with toxicosis

Quite often, pregnant women are prescribed such tablets against toxemia as Limonar. They have a very pronounced and rapid antioxidant property, increase appetite, physical activity, etc.

Cocculin in Toxicosis

This drug refers to homeopathic methods of treatment. Without harm to the body of the mother and child removes acute attacks of nausea and vomiting.