Teraflu during pregnancy

The drug Teraflu is available in several pharmaceutical forms: powder, tablets, but despite this, the composition of the drug is exactly the same. The drug is effective at the first signs of the development of colds, influenza, due to the presence of paracetamol, phenylephrine and phenyramine. As an additional component in the powder form of the drug is ascorbic acid. Consider the drug in detail and find out: can I drink during pregnancy Teraflu?

How does the drug work?

Thanks to the active ingredients listed above, this remedy perfectly copes with the first manifestations of acute respiratory viral infection: it reduces the aches, headache, general malaise, fatigue, muscle pain, reduces the amount of nasal mucus, lowers body temperature.

Can Teraflu be pregnant?

In order to get an answer to this question, it is enough for the expectant mother to consult the instructions accompanying the drug. It clearly states that contraindications to the use of the drug are pregnancy and lactation.

Particular danger is presented by Teraflu during pregnancy at early, very short terms. At this time, the placenta is not yet formed, and the components of the drug can have a direct effect on the fetus. Moreover, a large concentration of ascorbic acid in Teraflu can lead to an increase in the tone of uterine myometrium, which is fraught with the development of spontaneous abortion.

However, at a later date, in cases where the benefit of the drug exceeds the likelihood of complications in the fetus, Teraflu can be taken once, but only when appointed by a doctor. Immediately need to say that this is practically not observed.

How to deal with manifestations of colds during gestation?

Having figured out whether Teraflu can be pregnant, we will try to name the most effective remedies for symptoms of ARVI in the current pregnancy.

First, the woman should increase the volume of the liquid being drunk. As such, you can use tea with raspberries, mors, compote, ordinary purified water without gas.

When there is perspiration, tingling in the throat, it is necessary to start immediately rinsing with the use of chamomile, calendula, sage, eucalyptus. Herbs are brewed, insisted, after cooling they use for rinsing.

When a cough occurs, an excellent means is inhalation with essential oils of eucalyptus, the use of dog rose, thyme. Also soften the cough will help warm milk, which is added a small slice of butter, which envelops the mucous, prevents its irritation.