Than to deduce a smell of the cat's urine?

True lovers of cats are ready for the sake of their fluffy handsome men to endure any misfortunes, but this problem even brings them a lot of inconvenience. With urea or urochrome, any detergents can easily cope, but there is another component that acts like a treacherous bomb with a wound mechanism. The most persistent part of the secretions is uric acid. When liquid, sweat or fresh urine gets on the crystals, a new activation occurs, and the most unpleasant odors increase dramatically. With parquet or linoleum, the matter is simpler, wet cleaning in a moment eliminates all traces of a small naughty person, but when his feces fall on soft furniture or a carpet, your troubles will increase dramatically. That's why the question, how to neutralize the smell of cat urine, will always be very relevant. We describe the most accessible ways to get rid of this misfortune.

Home remedies for the smell of cat urine

With crystals of uric acid it is necessary to fight with the help of strong oxidants. It turns out that some chemical compounds can be stored in a simple medicine cabinet. To destroy the problem forever, you need to try to decompose the urine chemically. Here are the most common substances that can remove the smell of cat urine on the couch:

  1. Manganese .
  2. Acetic solution (concentration 1: 3).
  3. Lemon juice.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide .
  5. Tincture of iodine. This product should be diluted with water at a concentration of about 15 drops per 1 liter of liquid.

It is possible to carry out a complex treatment with several reagents at once in order to achieve the maximum effect. We will describe the order of work:

  1. Soak the affected object with vinegar . In the beginning, if the urine is fresh, it is desirable to remove urine with paper napkins or to fill this place with an adsorbent, which is used in cat litter. Then treat everything with a vacuum cleaner and pour it all with vinegar. Now you need to wait until the treated spot dries dry.
  2. Powder with soda . Why do you need this action only after the vinegar has dried completely? If you hurry, then there will be a reaction, and you will not get results.
  3. Spraying with peroxide . 100 ml of peroxide (3%) is diluted with half a spoon of detergent, and then add another 100 ml of water to the solution. All shaken in a container with a spray and start spraying the product directly on the soda. Peroxide will cause a reaction, and a layer of foam will appear on the treated area. The ammonium and carbon dioxide released as a result of this experience will quickly evaporate, and after a while you can re-treat everything with a cleaning vacuum cleaner, completely removing the "traces of crime" of your cat.

When you are looking for how to remove the smell of cat urine, you can try using ready-made products. But they will not always be better for peroxide or vinegar. Make sure that they contain enzymes or bacteria that can fight with uric acid. Not bad works the following - products Urine-Off, UrineOut, OdorMedic.

The smell of cat urine in shoes

It's very bad when a cat likes to arrange a toilet in your shoes or shoes. Even after washing, the smell can return when the remains of urine begin to contact your sweat. Tissue shoes try to wash in an aqueous solution of vinegar, and wash leather products with laundry soap, and then wipe with alcohol or glycerine. By the way, it is always desirable before processing to make sure that soft tissue does not suffer from the reagents used during cleaning! It is advisable to use means that can repel cats from re-toilet in your shoes, otherwise soon no drugs will be able to bring it into the proper form.