How to choose a snowboard for beginners in terms of height and weight?

When purchasing sports equipment, you should know by what criteria to evaluate the equipment. Experts advise to think about whether it is planned to perform tricks on the descent, or if only to ride. This is the main selection criterion, but there are others.

Which firm to choose a snowboard?

The only true and unambiguous answer does not exist. Each manufacturer produces boards with different fillers and an outer layer, only the specialist can visually determine the differences, so thinking about which snowboard to choose, be guided by its cost. If its price is less than $ 200, then it hardly has the qualities necessary for comfort. The cost of reliable modern equipment, suitable for performing tricks and descent from the mountains starts from 300-350 conventional units.

Types of snowboards and how to choose them?

There are four styles of descent - freeride (descent and jumping), freestyle (performing tricks), freak (cut rotations to change the direction of movement) and slalom (sliding on the arranged routes). For each of them only a certain type of board is suitable, therefore, before choosing the right snowboard, decide on the style.

It should be evaluated and shape, because there are universal models, they are narrow and have the distinctive dimensions of the front and back. There are also specialized ones, such as a twin pin, suitable for freestylers, or those with one nose much longer than the other, is used for freeride. Narrow and elongated are used by frikkava devotees. You should pay attention to these parameters.

How to choose a snowboard for height and weight?

Solving this issue, you also need to focus on the style of riding. There is a simple and understandable way how to pick up a snowboard . Stand on a level surface, take the board and put it back in the floor so that it is parallel to the body. If its length reaches the level from the chin to the lips, then it is suitable for freestyler, well, and when it reaches the zone from the tip of the nose to the eyes - useful for freeride.

In order to determine how to choose a snowboard by weight, there is an easy way. Do the following, lift the board by the end with one hand, if you can without considerable effort, then it suits you. It should be borne in mind that heavy equipment is difficult to carry, especially in conditions of snowy trails, so it is not necessary to take a model that is not strong enough - there will be little pleasure in that case.

How to choose the size of a snowboard?

It is necessary to estimate the width of the equipment. To pick up a snowboard for this feature, remember:

  1. The wider the board, the more stable it is, these options are suitable for beginners or those who ride only very rarely and are not very sure.
  2. Shoes should not get out of the edge more than 1-1.5 cm, otherwise they will significantly impede movement.
  3. Wide boards are suitable for those who have a very large foot size (from 45).

How to choose the right snowboard for a beginner?

If a person is just studying the basics of descent from mountain slopes, then he should pay special attention to the issue of acquiring equipment. There are simple rules explaining how to choose a snowboard for beginners so that it would be comfortable, reliable and not very expensive:

  1. Do not buy all the most expensive, the best fit is what is represented in the middle price segment.
  2. The surface should be covered with a layer of graphite and polyethylene, this is the best option for the combination of slip-durability.
  3. Do not acquire narrow models, learn from them will not be easy.

How to choose a snowboard for freestyle?

For this kind of suitable soft options, but that they served for a really long time, it is worth taking into account and one more characteristic. Before choosing a snowboard for freestyle, evaluate your level of skill. On this depends on what coverage the board is preferable to acquire. For professionals and experienced athletes suitable graphite, for beginners and those who already have the skills, but not too confident in their abilities - graphite-polyethylene.

How to choose a snowboard for a child?

You need to focus on the same rules as when purchasing equipment for adults. It is necessary to evaluate the growth of the child and the width of the board, and to look at its coverage, it is more reasonable to take a mixed (from graphite and polyethylene). Experts advise, before you pick up a children's snowboard, evaluate also the rigidity of the shoes. They recommend giving the child at least 15-20 minutes to walk around them in the shop, so you can understand if the shoes are comfortable. Often, children refuse to skate, only because they do not fit shoes, so you can not slide on the board.

Before you pick up a snowboard, inspect the fasteners as well. They are hard and soft, you can evaluate their convenience only in one way, you need to try and try to simulate the movements that will be performed on the slope (jumping, bending knees, slopes). If you feel uncomfortable, refuse to purchase it, so as not to spend money on something that will not bring either pleasure or benefit.