How to wash a newborn boy?

Babies need special care. Often young mothers, caring for a child, do not know how to properly wash a newborn boy. Meanwhile, urologists believe that many problems of men in adulthood have roots in incomplete observance of genital hygiene in boys in infancy and during early childhood.

The peculiarity of the physiology of boys is that they are born with a head of the penis completely covered with a skin fold. In this narrowed state, the foreskin remains until the child reaches 3 to 5 years of age. The sebaceous glands, which are under the skin fold, develop a special secret. If the baby is rarely or badly washed, then under the foreskin multiplies the bacteria that cause inflammation of the glans penis.

Intimate hygiene of boys involves washing after each urination. If diapers are used, then undergoing washing every time you change panties, but at least every 3 hours. In extreme cases, when it is impossible to perform the procedure for some reason, it is allowed to wipe with baby wet wipes. Obligatory is the erosion after each act of defecation, because the lactobacilli contained in the stool cause irritation of the skin in the perineal region. To wash the baby, flowing warm water is used, the water temperature should be about 37 degrees. Baby soap or special children's gels are only used if fecal contamination has occurred.

How to wash the boy up to a year?

The toddler is placed on the left palm, supporting the shoulders with the thumb of the left hand, or placed on the edge of the shell upwards with the backrest. The right hand is washed away, making movements from front to back, so that the intestinal microflora does not fall on the genitals, wiping all the folds. After the procedure, the skin is gently wiped with a soft towel and oiled with baby oil. If the room is warm, it is advisable to leave the little girl with a bare ass for a few minutes.

How to wash the boy after a year?

Of course, inexperienced mothers need advice on how to properly wash up a grown up boy. After a year, the child is less likely to urinate in panties, so you need to wash your baby as the diapers change or if he is accustomed to cope with the natural needs sitting on a pot, he must be washed after every act of defecation. A child a year is already well on legs, so it can be put in a bath or shower and wash the genitals with running water or under a shower, making the water pressure moderate. In the absence of running water, you can wash your baby by putting it in a basin.

Hygiene of the foreskin in boys

The question is controversial, is it necessary to delay the foreskin during the washing process? Such famous doctors as O. Komarovsky and V. Samoylenko believe that there is no need to delay the foreskin. If the baby regularly bathe, then usually there is no problem with the genitals. However, if there are certain signs of inflammation - redness, swelling, anxiety during urination, discharge from the genitals, then experts suggest washing the penis with a solution of furacilin or ekteritsida. If necessary, the procedure is repeated 2 to 3 times a day.

If you still think that the foreskin should be periodically washed, then while carrying out the hygienic procedure, move the foreskin slightly with soft movements, check to see if the excess of smegma , which looks like curdled crumb, has accumulated, and rinse the head. In some newborn boys, the foreskin does not move. You can not do it by force! We recommend in this case to seek the advice of a specialist.

The development of a habit of purity must be carried out, beginning with birth. In the beginning, you will take care of the baby's body, and then develop and consolidate the child's hygiene skills.