How to lose weight folk remedies?

Excess weight today has become one of the main problems of mankind. There are many different ways and means that have different actions and results. Women who are disappointed in scientific methods, want to know how you can lose weight folk remedies. What is important, this option of getting rid of excess weight does not require special efforts and significant cash investments.

How to lose weight folk remedies?

In this case, a variety of herbal infusions and decoctions, as well as baths with the addition of special mixtures, are used for weight loss. You can buy necessary herbs in almost any pharmacy.

Tips on how to lose weight folk remedies:

  1. When choosing a herbal mixture, be sure to look at the shelf life, it should not be more than 2 years.
  2. To lose weight with the help of folk remedies, you need to prepare the broth daily, in advance it should not be done.
  3. For boiling and infusion of herbs, use glass or enameled utensils.

What folk remedies help to lose weight?

  1. Herbal decoctions for weight loss . To do this, use corn stigmas, buckthorn bark, as well as collecting various herbs, for example peppermint, buckthorn root, fennel fruits, parsley and dandelion root. Flax seeds also have a strong effect.
  2. Herbal infusions for weight loss . The strongest is a mixture of yarrow and St. John's wort with the addition of cystoseira. The mixture taken in the correct proportions is steamed and after it is infused, it should be drunk in 3 equal parts.
  3. Baths for weight loss . They should include components that improve blood circulation, they include: linden, birch, oat straw, pine needles and straw.
  4. Hot compresses . For their preparation is best suited oat straw.

Many argue that folk methods work on the entire body without side effects.