How much to give chamomile to the baby?

Chamomile is a plant that has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, calming effects. In fact, chamomile is a medicine. Its natural origin, combined with a wide range of actions, creates the impression that most mums can use camomile for any reason. Is it so? Can I give chamomile to my baby? If yes, in what quantities? Let's consider these issues in more detail.

Efficacy of chamomile

Infusion of chamomile for the baby can be useful for colds , in case of irritations on the skin, as well as with problems with the tummy. In this case, you need to know that allergy to chamomile in infants is not uncommon, so before using it, you need to make sure that the child's organism reacts well to the plant. Bathing in chamomile can be started immediately, as the umbilical wound will heal. To begin with, a weak broth is prepared and applied to a small area of ​​the skin, if the day does not cause redness, you can proceed to the procedures. With time, the concentration can be increased.

With a cold, it is believed that chamomile for babies helps with the throat, being an antimicrobial agent. Of course, the baby is not able to gargle, so you can simply spray the oral cavity with a syringe. Also chamomile for colds in the baby can be used in the form of inhalations. Vapors have an anti-inflammatory effect.

It has been known for a long time that chamomile improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract, so it is effective to use chamomile for diarrhea in infants, with excessive gassing and with constipation . You need to start with scanty doses, if the baby reacts well, you can continue.

How to "cook" a camomile?

Before you do cooking chamomile broth for babies, it is important to be sure that the collection does not contain other herbs that may be dangerous. That's why when a chamomile is meant for a child, it is not worth saving, buying grass from your hands, it's better to go to the pharmacy and buy a guaranteed quality chamomile package for external or internal use.

In regard to the question of how to brew chamomile for babies, there is nothing difficult:

  1. If the broth is planned to be drunk, then a teaspoon of a glass of boiling water will be enough. The chamomile sticks for about 20 minutes, then it cools down to body temperature.
  2. If chamomile is prepared for baths, then a tablespoon is poured with a liter of boiling water. After cooling to the desired temperature, the infusion is added to a baby bath with water.
  3. For inhalations, a tablespoon of dry chamomile is poured with one glass of boiling water, insist for half an hour, then pour the resulting broth into a liter of hot water and bring the child to breathe vapors.

The amount of chamomile allowed for a child

As with any other drug in the application of chamomile, dosage is important. Of course, it is better that the doctor decide how much to give chamomile babies, but the general rules can still come in handy. The newborn in the first month of life does not need to offer herbal infusions. After a month, the maximum amount of broth should not exceed the volume of 50ml, that is, the portions recommended for babies are very small. Typically, pediatricians advise to establish the work of the intestine to give one teaspoon of broth before meals no more than four times a day. If you use the infusion as a medicine for a cold, then before you give chamomile babies, you need to feed it, and then give a teaspoon of chamomile to treat the mucous. Again, you can not overdo it and exceed the permissible rate, so that the treatment is beneficial, and not harmful.