Celery - growing, basic rules and features

Celery, the cultivation of which does not require special efforts, is a useful vegetable and it is recommended to all people without exception. There are several ways how you can grow this plant on your site, with its own characteristics and rules.

What does celery look like?

This vegetable is presented in three types, which differ in appearance:

  1. Sheet. Such a plant is similar to the usual parsley for many, but the leaves are larger, and the stems are dense and fleshy. In height, it can reach about 0.5 m.
  2. Cornflower. Such a celery at home is a juicy dense stems, the diameter of which is not more than 10 cm, and the length is about 30 cm. They are similar in structure to leeks. Call this species still pod.
  3. Root. Outwardly, this root can be compared with potatoes or beets, but only its surface is dense and rough. The color of the dense skin is brownish-golden and the surface is uneven due to numerous depressions and protrusions.

Types of celery

It has already been said that there are three main types of this plant, but there are many more varieties, among the best and most popular variants one can distinguish such:

  1. "Samurai". Sheet unpretentious variety, which is not afraid of drought and low temperature. The height of the rosette is 65 cm. The leaves are curly. Such celery, the cultivation of which does not require special effort, will yield a crop about 75 days after disembarkation.
  2. "Zahar". Another sort of leaf celery, which stands out the opportunity to get a big harvest. The height of the rosette is 26 cm and on one plant can be up to 120 leaves, which are rapidly growing.
  3. "Gold". This celery has medium-length stems with a slightly curved shape. Harvest can be harvested within 150-160 days.
  4. "Malachite". This variety yields already on the 80th day after planting. It is worth noting the presence of thick and fleshy leaves. From the bush, you can get up to 1.2 kg of petioles.
  5. "Tango". If you are interested in which celery is best among petiolate varieties, then pay attention to this option, which is considered the most productive. The weight of one outlet is up to 1 kg. The variety is distinguished by high aromatic qualities.
  6. The Prague giant. This sort of root celery will give a result in 120 days of proper cultivation. Roots are large with soft light flesh. They have a bright aroma and taste.
  7. "Diamond". On average, the weight of one root is 200 g. The flesh is white. This variety has a powerful dark green foliage.

Leaf celery

This species has thin, fusiform roots and small petioles. Grow it to get lush greenery. Juicy leaves have a bright green color, and they are saturated with essential oils. Such celery at home is renewed during the entire growing season, so you can collect no crops. The best varieties: "Zakhar", "Samurai" and "Kartuli". These are yielding varieties that have good taste and a rich flavor.

Celery celery - growing

This species has a developed system of fibrous roots. The celery plant has wide and ribbed petioles, which are very juicy and fleshy, so they are very popular in cooking. The best grades are "Tango", "Golden" and "Triumph". They are resistant to disease, give a rich harvest and have a pleasant taste. For the petiolate, sun and moisture are needed, and the soil must be rich in minerals.

Root celery

Another type of plant that has thickened and fleshy roots of round or slightly elongated shape. The petioles of this celery are hollow, and the leaves are thin. If you are interested in how to grow root celery, then it's worth knowing that it's easy to do, the main thing is to have quality seeds or seedlings and know some rules about which will be discussed below. The best varieties of this kind: "Delicacy", "Diamant" and "Cascade". They tolerate frosts well, give a rich harvest, and the root crop has few lateral roots.

How to plant celery?

For a rich harvest, it is recommended that the seeds be planted in seedlings, and then already transplanted into open ground. There are a number of recommendations concerning how to prepare the seed and get good sprouts. When planting celery in the ground, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements put forward to the ground:

  1. It must necessarily be fruitful, loosened and drained, so that it will retain moisture well.
  2. An important parameter is the acidity index, and it should be neutral, if the soil is acidic, then lime is preliminarily introduced. It is also recommended to use humus.
  3. Want to get a good crop of celery, cultivation is best done in pre-prepared holes. In autumn it is recommended to make pits with a depth of 25 cm and a width of 35 cm. They should be filled with compost and covered with earth and then a good harvest will be provided.

How to grow celery from seeds?

To harvest was rich, it is important to buy quality seeds. It is worth noting that direct seeding in the ground is possible only when using the leaf type of the plant. People who are interested in how to grow root celery from seeds should know that this is possible only in a seedling way. Other types of plants need to be sown in the same way.

  1. First, put seeds for a couple of hours in a light manganese solution, and then lay them on a saucer with wet gauze before the first sprouts appear. This takes 2-3 days.
  2. For the landing, prepare the earth, mixing in equal proportions sand, humus, leaf land and peat.
  3. Seeds should be planted in early February. Seedlings will appear in about two weeks.
  4. First, the temperature should be 20 ° C, and then, it is reduced to 15 ° C.
  5. Root celery, the cultivation of which from seeds lasts longer than other species, requires the maintenance of moist soil.

How to grow celery through seedlings?

If seedlings have been purchased for cultivation, then it is important to know that transplanting into ordinary soil occurs when there are more than five real leaves on the sprouts and they reach a height of 10 cm in height. Celery grown by seedlings has several characteristics, one week before transfer to the open ground It is necessary to temper, that is to carry out frequent airing and to expose boxes on fresh air. It is worth considering a number of recommendations for each type:

  1. Root. Transfer seedlings to the soil is necessary at the end of May, which will help protect the plant from rain and frost washing. During the planting, it is not necessary to break the clod of earth, since it has already been entangled in young roots. Between the sprouts should be a distance of about 35 cm. You can not spend hilling the fruit, but removing the soil over the protruding part of the root is very useful. It is important to remove the side leaves, this will help increase the weight of the root.
  2. Chereshkovoy. For the cultivation of celery seedlings, it is necessary to make longitudinal grooves 10 cm. The roots need to be shortened by about 1/3. The distance between the bush should be 15 cm. You can not sprinkle the top, but when the period of rapid growth comes, you should spend hilling.
  3. Sheet. The transfer of seedlings of this species is no different from the root celery.

How many celery are there?

Each species has its own time interval through which sprouts appear from the seeds.

  1. Growing root celery at home, it is worth waiting for that the sprouts will appear slowly, after about 14-16 days.
  2. For a longer time, shoots of stalked celery grow, and on average they will have to wait about 20 days.
  3. Even more time will have to spend to see the shoots of leaf celery and the period is 35-40 days. It is worth noting that the sprouts appear amicably.

How does celery grow?

Depending on the variety of celery grows differently, for example, the harvest of leaf species can be collected starting from the middle of July, but the root varieties are ready for harvesting in the middle of October. If planting celery and care for it is carried out according to the rules, then no problems with growth should arise. It is important to know that the plant can be affected by white rot, "black leg" , bacterial spot and viral mosaic of leaves. For prevention it is important to take into account a number of rules:

  1. In time, collect slugs, snails and carrot fly larvae.
  2. Weeding weeds and do not forget to water the plant, given that there should be no stagnation of water.
  3. Avoid excessive celery condensation, so growing involves thinning.

Celery plant - care

There are a number of rules that must be taken into account by people who cultivate celery.

  1. For this plant, open and sunny places are ideal. If there is not enough light when planting celery and caring for it, then the harvest will be shallow.
  2. Leaves and stems tolerate low temperatures, so in winter adult plants can withstand up to -9 ° C, but for root crops such indicators are unacceptable. To grow seedlings, a temperature of + 20-22 ° C is required.
  3. If you want to get a rich crop of celery, growing means constant moistening of the soil, but excessive moisture for it is fatal. Each week should be poured about 20 liters per square meter. If the season is arid, then more water is needed.
  4. Root celery needs loosening of the soil, especially for young seedlings. After each irrigation or rain, the top layer of the soil becomes dense and this crust prevents the roots from breathing normally. Loosening of young root crops is carried out to a depth of 5 cm, and then, it needs to be doubled.
  5. Cultivation of root celery involves mulching . You can use bark, chips or sawdust. Carry out the procedure when the plant is adult and has lateral roots.

Top dressing of celery

That the plant grew strong, did not hurt, and the harvest was rich, it is necessary to carry out additional fertilization and it is done in several stages:

  1. The first time the procedure is carried out at the initial stage of the vegetative stage, and this period comes after two weeks from the moment of planting. Use is herbal infusion.
  2. The next feeding should be carried out two weeks after the first. Use diluted in water dry manure.
  3. Growing celery and caring for it implies a third feeding, and it should be carried out until July 15. Use a solution of azofoski . At the end of the month, use monophosphate. When the root of the root will be formed, pour the plant with a solution of boric acid.
  4. In summer, when there is intensive growth, it is necessary to use nitrogen fertilizers to properly grow celery.

Dive a celery?

When planting root crops this process is important, since the main root is pinching and a large fetus is formed. The celery plant must be dived at the stage when a pair of real leaves are already formed.

  1. Concerning the clothespins of the root celery, there are two versions, so one believes that roots need a length of 5-6 cm to be cut by 0.5-1 cm, removing the root hairs. Others believe that if you shorten the central root, then it will damage celery.
  2. When growing leaf celery, plucking the root is an obligatory procedure, and in petioles it does as desired.

How to grow a leaf celery?

For the cultivation of leaf celery, it is recommended to buy seeds only at proven points, since they must be the first freshness. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. If the seeds are already more than two years old, then it is worth to refuse the purchase. It is best to buy varieties with different maturation periods, so that you can harvest throughout the season.