Asparagus beans - growing and care

Unlike potatoes, tomatoes and radishes , more familiar on our table and in the garden, the asparagus beans are not so common. But from this it does not become less tasty or useful. Dishes from the asparagus beans will please everyone who follows their health and figure, but does not want to deprive themselves of gastronomic pleasures.

A characteristic feature of this plant is the collection of its fruits in green form. In food, beans are used after appropriate heat treatment, directly with pods. This distinguishes it from ordinary beans, which also grows in pods. In addition, asparagus or, as it is otherwise called, green beans - a beautiful and very interesting plant. Let's look at the main points of growing and caring for the plant, asparagus beans.

Growing of asparagus beans in the country

This vegetable will grow well on any soil, but prefers nevertheless a neutral and fertile soil. Planting of asparagus beans is made in May, when the threat of nocturnal frosts has finally passed. Choose a place sufficiently lit and warm, because the bean, although unpretentious, but thermophilic.

Before planting, seeds should preferably be soaked in manganese, but this is not necessary. In the hole is also recommended to put a little wood ash, which will enrich the soil around the plant with potassium and phosphorus.

Shoots that appeared after a week, it is recommended to thin, that between neighboring plants there was a distance of about 10 cm.

Regularly water the asparagus beans, if you want, that its fruits were juicy and large. Otherwise, they will grow smaller, and the stems will not develop well. Note that shoots of green beans should be pinched when they reach 2.5 m in length. This will give the plant the opportunity to limit its growth and stimulate fruiting. If you have a curly variety, then long stems will need to be attached to a strong support (for example, to the fence). But avoid using as a support mesh netting, otherwise in the fall you will be very difficult to clean it from the lashes of this tenacious plant.

Dry beans carry the air normally, but the earth prefers air permeable, so do not forget to loosen the soil more often. Parallel to this, it is possible to remove weeds that prevent this culture from developing normally. Without weeding and hilling good harvests of asparagus beans, you can not wait.

Asparagus beans do not share with plants such as garlic, onions and peas, so try to grow them in different parts of the garden. Interestingly, asparagus beans are often used as an ornamental plant (bush species) or siderata, which enriches the soil with nitrogen. In the next season, the beans are best planted in a different place, and on the former it is good to grow cauliflower.

Asparagus beans - house cultivation

Grow pods beans and can be at home. Conveniently, it refers to the so-called plants of a short daylight, which does not require refreshing. Contain such the plant can be at least in the room, even on the balcony, and even on the northern windows. The main thing when growing beans at home is to pick up good, high-quality and rich in natural fertilizers. Planting is possible in peat cups, but it is ideal for this purpose manure or soil, over which earthworms "worked". On such a substrate, the asparagus bean can produce very good yields - up to 100 g of green pods a week.

Try as often as possible to inspect the plant for ready-to-harvest pods - ripe blades, they need to be collected on time. Planting, growing and caring for asparagus beans is simple, and the yield of most of its varieties (especially curly) is quite high.