Than to treat a cold nursing mum?

Many women, when faced with colds during lactation, think about what can be treated and how to be breastfeeding. Typically, the cause of this disease are viruses. Consequently, the entire therapeutic process must be directed toward their destruction. However, not all drugs can be taken in this situation.

How to act when developing a cold during breastfeeding?

Before you start looking for what to treat a cold mother's nursing mother, you need to determine exactly what is the virus disease. So first of all it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the body, if it rises to 38.5 degrees, it is necessary to take Paracetamol. This drug is absolutely harmless for an infant. However, it is best to consult a doctor about this.

Such drugs as Coldrex, Fervex, are strictly forbidden, because their influence on the lactation process has not yet been established.

When you have a mother's pain in the throat, you can take local antiseptic drugs, which include Strepsils, Geksoral. Also, treatment of the mucous membrane of the throat with Lugol solution will not be superfluous.

When a runny nose appears, you must constantly moisturize the nasal mucosa, for which you can use sprays not based on sea water. They are absolutely harmless, and do not cause vasoconstriction, like most remedies against the common cold.

After the transition of the disease to the next stage and the appearance of a cough, it is allowed to take preparations on a plant basis, among them Gedelix, Dr. IOM, etc.

What should be considered when a cold develops in nursing?

After the mother has learned what it is allowed to treat a cold with nursing, she thinks about whether it is possible to feed the baby during illness.

Breaking breastfeeding for a while does not cost a cold. However, it is very important not to let the baby get infected. such a disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. It is best if the mother during the feeding of the child will use a gauze dressing, which to some extent reduces the risk of infection of the baby.

Even in cases when the mother has an idea of ​​the algorithm of actions during a cold and knows what can be taken by nursing and what does not, seeking a doctor is an integral part of the success of the therapeutic process.