Extracorporeal causes

The extrasystole of the heart is a disturbance of the rhythm, manifested in the form of premature cardiac excitation and contraction. As a result, the discharge of blood decreases and, as a consequence, the blood supply to the brain and other internal organs worsens. Extrasystolia can occur at any age, and its appearance is due to the influence of certain pathological factors.

Frequent causes of heart extrasystole

The causes of extrasystole are diverse. Thus, functional extrasystole (psychogenic nature) is associated with the influence of the following factors:

Cases of death of young athletes are recorded. The causes of extrasystoles in a healthy heart are exorbitant physical activities and deep psycho-emotional experiences. In professional sports, a regular medical examination is organized, and the athletes themselves must take better care of their health and do not ignore any problems with the heart.

Often functional extrasystole is manifested in patients with neuroses, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, autonomic dystonia.

A common phenomenon - problems with heartbeat after eating, the cause of extrasystole in this case is that for the process of digesting food requires a significant amount of blood. At this time, the heart, restoring balance, increases the frequency of cuts. As a rule, malfunctions of the heart rhythm are observed with the absorption of fatty (heavy) food, fast food; drinking strong tea and coffee.

Attention! Lack of fluid affects the density of blood. In order to push through the thickened blood in the vessels, the heart has to work in a strengthened mode. Hence the conclusion: consume a sufficient amount of liquid!

Other causes of extrasystole

Organic extrasystole is the result of myocardial damage in a number of diseases associated with the formation of electrical heterogeneity. These are heart diseases such as:

Experts consider rheumatism to be one of the main causes of extrasystole at a young age. In some cases, the cause of organic extrasystole is intoxication as a result of long-term use of glycosides.