Viola - planting seeds on seedlings, how to get strong seedlings?

In order for the blossom to bloom in the summer, planting of seeds for seedlings should be done in February or March. Only three to four months separate the stage of the seed from the stage of violent flowering, if you follow all the recommendations. The flower does not need special conditions for germination, and the finished seedlings will perfectly transfer the planting to a permanent place in the garden.

Embryo planting on seedlings

It is generally believed that ready-to-flow blossoms of violas can be obtained only for the next season, but the early spring planting of seeds on seedlings allows to achieve a blooming garden in the summer. The technology assumes early dates and some additional measures for growing strong seedlings, but adherence to all recommendations will ensure continuous flowering during all summer months. Before growing seedlings of violas from seeds, it is necessary to determine the method of forcing and correctly pick up the planting material.

Terms of planting a viola on seedlings

Terms for sowing violi in late February or early March, and get a flowering flower will be from May to September. Due to the artificial prolongation of the light day by the lamps, three months after sowing, we can expect the beginning of the budding period. For the landing, standard cassettes, boxes and tare from food products are suitable. The earlier the seeds fall into the ground, the faster the bushes of the viola will blossom on the flowerbed. In cold regions they are planted in balcony boxes.

How to plant a viola on seedlings from seeds?

Small seeds complicate work, but their excellent germination somewhat compensates for these difficulties. Flower growers use three methods of sowing, it all depends on the experience and the available containers for seedling.

  1. Embedding in the ground is a classic planting method. Furrow depth of not more than half a centimeter poured planting material with a step of about 2 cm, the next furrow is done through a centimeter. The ground should be sprinkled with planting and watered. After covering with a film and creating a microclimate, the drawdowns are ventilated twice a day, the boxes are put in any convenient place.
  2. If there is no confidence in the quality of the soil and it is not known how the viola will behave, planting of seeds for seedlings can be carried out without embedding in the soil. If the seeds are poured over the surface, the containers must be sent to a dark place, because they germinate only in the dark. Water the soil before sowing with warm water. Planting cover with a sheet of cardboard on top of the film, air twice a day.
  3. Each florist has his own arguments on the issue of how to plant a viola on seedlings easily and correctly. There is a third solution - something in between. Seeds are planted on the surface of the soil and only slightly sprinkled with sand, then watered.

Sowing violas in the cochlea

For owners of small window sills, an option with a twisted roll of artificial foam material is suitable. The usual soft substrate for laminate and transparent containers in the form of large waterplants will solve the problem of space saving.

  1. A tape is cut from the substrate under the laminate. About a centimeter of earth is poured onto it. So that it does not crumble, it is slightly moistened and pressed a little by the palm, sealing the layer. Practice shows that it is more convenient to pour a layer about 20 cm long, it is inconvenient to prepare the entire tape at once.
  2. The seeds are laid out on the finished plot at a distance of about 2 cm. Choose one edge and a couple of centimeters away from it. Seeds slightly penetrate into the ground with your finger.
  3. Then you can roll the first part of the strip and pour the soil onto the next section. So the area behind the plot is sown with the entire length of the tape.
  4. A ready-made snail is fixed with usual paper clips. In the snail, the viola is planted in a container so that the seeds are along the upper edge. It is important to pre-fill the soil, because it always crumbles when folded.
  5. At the bottom of the transparent container lay a layer of sawdust to collect excess moisture and establish a snail. Water thoroughly and abundantly.
  6. Then the structure is covered with cellophane and fixed with a paper band. After the appearance of the first shoots, the package from the snail is removed, and the entire structure is sent to the window sill. Watering planting should be constantly without fear of rotting sprouts.

Planting violas in peat pills

Modern method of growing seedlings is convenient for seeds of viola. In tablets, no excess moisture is retained, heat is retained and there is no need for a pike. Viola in peat tablets can be grown by surface or combined method, slightly prisypav landings. Tablets with seeds are covered with a packet and sent to a dark place for germination. As seedlings grow, they are transferred to separate vases without risking damage to the root system.

After how many days does the viola rise from the seeds?

Variety of viola determines not only the beginning of flowering, but also the timing of germination. Some last for five or seven days, others can keep an intrigue for the florist until a month. To speed up the process, one can resort to classical methods of germination and preparation.

  1. Cold water hardens planting material, warm - stimulates growth. To accelerate the timing of the emergence of the first shoots, before planting, you can put the seed on a bandage, soaked in warm water. Under such conditions, the swelling of the outer shell will be noticeable.
  2. If it is not fundamentally important, after how many days the viola rises, and in the first place the quality of seedlings, it is worthwhile to think about soaking in a nutrient solution. It is made from trace elements and warm water. Saplings grow strong and adapt well after planting in the ground.

Why do not the seeds of viola emerge?

The germination and stimulation of planting material gives a 100% result, but it can be in vain if typical errors at landing are allowed.

  1. A too thick layer of soil from above does not allow the violet to rise, planting seeds on seedlings by a superficial method will eliminate this error. When the seed is buried, the recommended half a centimeter should not be exceeded.
  2. Successful germination requires moisture and air. Too heavy soil will not allow air to penetrate, and water will hold up and lead to rotting plantations. Shoots will not appear if they are sprinkled with heavy soil.
  3. Expect the amicable timely shoots of violas only from healthy fresh seeds. If the seed is old and stored incorrectly, it will not germinate.

When to dive viola?

You can dive after the appearance of two real sheets. Often by this time, the seedling is stretched, the central stem is markedly elongated to the cotyledon leaves. To make the bushes look beautiful and strong, when sowing, seedlings are buried to the cotyledons. Then there will be roots along the entire length of the buried stem, which will make the root system stronger. Pikirovka Viola on seedlings will not affect the condition of the roots, because the plant tolerates this procedure without loss, even with flowering.