Dolls made of cloth with their own hands

Love for your child can be manifested and presented in different ways. One of these methods is needlework, even if the mother and a small specialist in sewing or knitting. Any woman, owning more or less basic sewing, can sew an exclusive doll for her child. During the work, putting the whole soul into the product, a simple doll made of cloth becomes an amulet for the child. And it does not matter, for a boy or for a girl it will be a gift, because young children, regardless of gender, require maternal caress and attention.

There are many different types of home-made dolls. They can be knitted or crocheted, done with unnecessary kapron tights or satin ribbons. If you do not know the different techniques of knitting, it does not matter. The simplest in performance is a rag doll. Her prototypes were made for our children by our great-great-grandmothers.

Sewing a doll from a fabric is not at all difficult, as many people think. To do this, you just need to arm yourself with a needle, threads and pieces of bright cloth. You can sew your product by hand, or you can stitch it on a sewing machine, and then a homemade cloth doll will serve the child much longer. And it does not matter that any seam can turn out a little crooked - this is all the charm and uniqueness of handmade work.

Doll of cloth - master class

Dolls are different, and they are suitable for both boys and girls. Do not think that the doll is not a boy's fun. After playing with her, the child feels motherly love and learns the right relationship in the family as a child. It is not necessary to think that playing with the doll, the boy will grow up a mama's son, this is not so. Such a child will be kinder to others, and above all to his family.

  1. We will try to learn from the example of such simple toys how to make a doll made of cloth. Let's try to sew a doll with pigtails.
  2. For work we need a hank of simple cotton threads of any color. We chose a dark brown. Still need any fabric in the strip for doll tights, as well as a small piece for the blouse and any accessories for decoration. On both prepared patterns of the head with a machine we sew "hair" - thicker for the nape, and less for the face.
  3. Shoes can be made from thin felt or any other suitable thick fabric.
  4. We make a simple pattern of blouse and decorate it with ribbon and buttons at our discretion.
  5. If you sew a skirt for you it is difficult, then you can go for the trick and use a ready-made puppet skirt.
  6. For the manufacture of hands you will need a cotton cloth, on which, with the help of scissors, we cut out a finger, and we stretch out the hand by adding the two halves together. Do not forget to leave holes in the handles and legs to fill the sintepon.
  7. Now, with the example of the doll-boy, we will consider the principles of joining all the details together. With the help of a pencil we twist the parts and fill them with sintepon.
  8. Then we sew the head, legs and arms to the body and spread it along the contour, leaving the bottom unclosed.
  9. Fill tightly the body with a sintepon and sew it by hand.
  10. Hair here should be fastened to the head.
  11. We tie each part of the hair with a thread and braid the braids.
  12. The edge of the pigtail is tied tightly with the same thread as the hair.
  13. At this point, we sew the hair to the head.
  14. That's the kind of hair we got. Like it, you can do a doll with tails.
  15. Now, with a pink or red thread, we embroider the mouth, from the reverse side the seam is hidden under the hair.
  16. You can make the mouth a decorative seam. Eyes are made of dense tissue or beads.
  17. Everything - the doll is ready! In the same way, you can sew any doll.
  18. Now your daughter will have a favorite doll sewed by caring mother's hands.