Why do cats purr?

Evening, I settle in front of the TV to enjoy the next product of the Hollywood film industry. In the hands of a cup of tea, and next to the cat, lay down on my favorite chair! But to the impudent kotofey all sins are forgiven for the feeling of coziness that is set in the room as soon as he starts to purr. And this scoundrel knows that I can not be angry with him, looking at the pacified muzzle and listening to his mumble. It's interesting, but why do cats purr, really just to show their good mood and incidentally lick up to the owner?

Why do cats purr?

Never thought about why cats purr? But there are people who have devoted a lot of time to studying this issue, and they know exactly why and why, and even how cats are purring.

The first, a self-suggesting version - a cat purrs when she feels good and she is completely happy with life. And the truth is, most often our pets purr in response to affection or when they have to like a treat. And the owners of such a reaction of his pet to care is most understandable and enjoyable. But if a cat purrs constantly, what does it mean? Is this an indicator of the rare optimism of your pet or animal, thus, wants you to complain about something? In fact, a cat can purr not only because of the pleasure, your pet can so ask to attract attention. For example, she was bored, or she noticed a tasty morsel on the table. And yet, do not smile incredulously, cats know such a device as self-hypnosis. If your pet is sick, then she can purr to adjust herself to a positive mood, calm down and ask for sympathy from the owner. To understand what exactly the cat wants is possible by the loudness of its rumbling. Quietly purring cat, most likely, something asks or complains about fate. And the cat, announcing his murring the whole apartment, simply says "Thank you very much!" To the owner.

But cats purring not only when they want to inform the two-legged, it's also a way to communicate with their own. For example, a nursing cat, a cat, tells its kids that everything is good and worried about nothing. And if the kittens sucking milk, purr in return, they, thus, inform the parent that they are tasty and warm. And of course, a purring kitten is probably healthy and full of strength for studying the world around. Also, when you meet two cats, you can hear not only a fierce and snooty meow, but also a mumble. Thus, the dominant cat says to the weaker that today he is in a good mood and does not plan to attack. Another cat can purr as a self-defense. Cowering in a lump and making big piteous eyes, the cat asks not to touch it, because it's so small and harmless.

How do cats purr?

Why the cats are purring we have already figured out, but how they do it is not yet clear. You will say, what's so unclear about what people say, so, apparently, the cats are purring too? And here not! Cats can purr both on inhaling and exhaling, while we pronounce the words only on exhalation. To make similar foci to our favorites allows a special apparatus consisting of thin bones - sublingual. That's it these bones resonate from the vibration of the vocal cords and cause such a pleasant rumbling, published by a fluffy pet.

Do all cats purr?

If we talk about the domestic representatives of this family, then the ability to make such sounds is everyone's, it's another matter that there are extremely reserved individuals who purr only on very big holidays. But wild cats can not purr, they have sublingual bones covered with dense cartilage. Therefore, the king of animals can only roar, and smaller representatives of the cat family grumble, hiss, howl, and some even grunt and cough.