Non-carbohydrate diet - menu for the week

Carbohydrate foods are the most delicious food in the world. And this is easily explained from the scientific point of view - our brain is the main consumer of glucose, and as soon as we eat something sweet, floury, fruity, he gratefully allocates all kinds of hormones of happiness in return. If it were not for pancreatic threats and excess weight , we would eat only carbohydrates to constantly have a satisfied brain.

Question: how will your brain feel if you deprive him of this pleasure for a week?

Let's try to solve this difficult task, figuring out an attractive menu of a carbohydrate diet for a week.


The main principle of a carbohydrate diet for a week is a complete rejection of carbohydrates. More precisely, for your comfort, this is called a restriction. However, we note that a normal diet is a 60% prevalence of carbohydrates. We on a non-carbohydrate diet will consume not more than 250 kcal. It turns out, instead of 60%, carbohydrates will make up our food by 12,5% less (provided that the caloric content of a normal diet is 2000 kcal). A noticeable difference!

Now about the pleasant - you can almost not control the intake of proteins, consuming them almost as much as the soul desires. As a result, the diet of a carbohydrate diet consists of 60-70% of proteins (in a normal balanced diet, 25% of calories are taken for proteins).

With fats you can not mess around. Choose proteins that contain fats, but are not the most fat.

It is also pleasant that the calorie content on this diet is not necessary.


The menu of a carbohydrate diet is very often used for weight loss by athletes professionals. Rather, they call it drying - getting rid of subcutaneous fat and a clearer drawing of the relief. However, while athletes are sitting on such a diet, their condition is monitored by nutritionists and sports doctors, which minimizes damage to health.


Correct carbohydrate diet, of course, excludes everything sweet, flour, fruit, cereal, bean.


What is permitted and welcomed?

After all of the above, some might have a question - what can you eat on a non-carbohydrate diet. We answer:

What is the danger?

We started with the fact that your brain will not be very sweet without sweet (sorry for the tautology).

Our body gets rid of weight due to the fact that it ceases to receive the most easily digestible product - carbohydrates. With a deficit, it must split its own reserves.

Alas, this digestion lasts longer than the brain can afford. Be prepared for the fact that during a carbohydrate diet you will lose efficiency, your memory, attention, concentration and everything connected with the brain will deteriorate.