Early diagnosis of pregnancy

As practice shows, sometimes even modern methods of contraception can fail. What to do if you need to determine in the shortest possible time, whether pregnancy has come? If the girl has a permanent partner - this issue is not urgent, but there are also casual connections, and other situations in which early diagnosis of pregnancy is of great importance.

Early diagnosis of pregnancy before delay

It is known that such signs of pregnancy as vomiting , nausea, an increase in the volume of the breast, increased sensitivity of the nipples are not always reliable messengers of the desired or unwanted pregnancy. At reception at the gynecologist also it is not always possible to know reliably about the come pregnancy, as slight increase and softening of the uterus can be a concomitant change in menstruation or some diseases ( uterine myoma , metroendometritis, adenomyosis).

Early diagnosis of pregnancy with ultrasound (ultrasound) also does not give 100% results - visualization of the embryo at such early times is very difficult.

Early diagnosis of pregnancy is detected using modern rapid diagnostic methods. It can be carried out both in specialized clinics and at home. The simplest and most reliable tests for early diagnosis of pregnancy are single-stage kits for determining conception. With their use, the result can be obtained from the first day of the delay. It is based on an early determination of the content in the urine of HCG by the method of immunochromatographic analysis.

The earliest diagnosis of pregnancy is also possible thanks to cheap and popular test strips, but with it, unlike the previous method, false results are possible. Also, flaws have tablet tests (test-cassettes). A more accurate result can be obtained with the help of jet tests (it is not connected with the collection of urine in a separate reservoir, the test is simply substituted for a stream of urine).

The earliest diagnosis of pregnancy allows a woman to start implementing recommendations on its preservation in time, and, accordingly, adjust life plans, work activities and diet.