Why dream of soup?

When dreaming soup, then this is a good sign. Such a dream usually portends good, good news or events. He also talks about the sincerity of friends and acquaintances. A young girl's dream of a soup can even talk about a wedding , if she saw in a dream with a soup a large company of guests.

Why dream of cooking soup?

If a person dreams that he is going to cook soup or is already preparing it, then such a person will successfully lead his own destiny. Such a dream can also be said about the fact that a person devotes much time to household chores and deeds. A girl preparing soup can promise a successful marriage, in which she will marry a wealthy man and will not be burdened with domestic cares and troubles.

Why dream about sour soup?

It also happens that in a dream you can see the spoiled food, in particular, the sour soup. Dreaming of a sour soup can lead to the fact that failures at work are possible, the authorities will be dissatisfied with something. Such a dream can also portend any intrigues from colleagues or friends. Either sleep can portend separation from someone close.

Why dream of eating soup in a dream?

There is a soup in a dream that usually dreams of important and good changes in life. To the acquisition of a spouse. If you like the soup and a person eats it with pleasure, it's for the wedding of the one who saw this dream, or someone from close relatives. If the soup is disgusting, then it's to parting or traveling with close people.

Why dream a full plate of soup?

What a complete soup dish dreams about, it's very easy to understand. Such a dream speaks of the full prosperity, well-being, as well as the broad outlook of a person. And if in life it is not yet, then the dream reflects the subconscious desire of a person to live in prosperity, to which he will strive, setting up useful acquaintances in the future.