The left side hurts during pregnancy

Pregnant women often have pains in the abdomen, back, "lumbago" in the sides. It is difficult to establish their danger to a layman, because it is not always possible to even determine the localization of pain. Consider the possible causes of pain in the left side of the pregnant.

Pain in the left side causes

The pain in the left side of the abdomen during pregnancy is often caused not only by the complications of the course of pregnancy, but also by other causes. In the left side of the abdomen, in its upper half are the part of the stomach, the body and tail of the pancreas, half of the diaphragm, part of the small and large intestine (transverse), the spleen and the left kidney. On the left, in the lower half of the abdomen are the intestine, the left ovary and the uterus with the fetus growing in it. Diseases of these organs can give pain in the left side of the abdomen.

Pain in the left side during pregnancy - upper half of the abdomen

The pain in the upper half of the abdomen on the left is often caused by stomach problems. In the early days, the cause of pain can be exacerbations of gastritis (inflammation of the stomach), which is often exacerbated simultaneously with early toxicosis. The pains are rarely acute, often stupid, aching, of varying intensity, always associated with food (intensify or pass after it), may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting. Although nausea, vomiting and other symptoms can be associated exclusively with toxicosis, if the stomach hurts during pregnancy with such symptoms, a consultation of the gastroenterologist is indicated.

In later terms, the growing uterus squeezes and displaces many organs and can cause disruption of the work of not only the stomach with the symptoms described above, but also the pancreas. With pancreatitis often the pains are very sharp, intense, sometimes shrouding. With problems associated with compression of the intestine, pain paroxysmal, increasing in intensity, may be accompanied by cold sweat and general weakness.

With diaphragmatic hernia, the pain intensifies after eating and lying down, but it becomes easier after vomiting, belching. If the pregnant woman has a pain in her left side and lower back, urination also increases, the temperature rises, there are bursting pains in the left hypochondrium, then you can think of squeezing the left kidney with a growing fetus and attaching inflammation to it. Of the examinations, you need to pass an urine test, conduct ultrasound of the kidneys, consult a urologist.

Pain during movement, breathing, low back pain can also indicate problems with the spine in pregnant women due to increased stress, especially in late pregnancy. With pain injuries, they are caused by rupture of the spleen, the disease requires surgical intervention and is accompanied by severe bleeding.

Pain in the left side during pregnancy, lower half of the abdomen

In the early stages of pregnancy, the pains in the lower abdomen on both sides are often caused by contractions of the uterus due to lack of progesterone in the body, physical stress, trauma. But if a woman has a pregnancy diagnosed under the test, her left side hurts below, pains are severe, acute, accompanied by weakness and loss of consciousness, it is important not to miss a serious complication. The cause of these pains may be an ectopic pregnancy : the embryo grows in the fallopian tube, the pains at its growth are often first blunt, and when the tube breaks - strong, sometimes as a knife blow, may be accompanied by bleeding and symptoms of blood loss.

Diagnose ectopic pregnancy on ultrasound, the disease requires surgery with the removal of the tube and parts of the fetal egg and embryo.

But sometimes the reason is not so critical for the future fetus: a uterine pregnancy is diagnosed, the left side hurts below with the above symptoms when the cyst ruptures. Possible other diseases with pain in the left side, but they are diagnosed only after an appropriate examination.

The left side hurts - what to do?

Regardless of the reasons why a pregnant woman has a sore left side, you can not take medicine yourself or put on a heating pad, you need to see a doctor immediately.