The Tale of the Triune State

In one blossoming and warm edge were three states: the Children's Kingdom, the Parenthood Monarchy and the Adult Republic.

In the Children's Kingdom every day there was a new king, because the previous one was thrown off - everyone wanted to climb the throne and sit. In the same way in the morning: who was the first to rise, the pot. And still there all day there was confusion and confusion, because everyone wanted to make a noise, run and get mad, and nobody refused anything to himself. The industry there was not at all, because nobody wanted to work, but everyone wanted to play. They built mostly sandboxes and playgrounds, and the houses made of old blankets, throwing them on tables: a table - a roof, a coverlet - walls.

Children often quarreled among themselves and even fought from time to time, then cried and quickly reconciled. And sometimes several children got together and started to talk against someone, then there was complete chaos and a mess. Children ate mostly candies, cakes and chupa-chups, so there were no dining rooms, but there were a lot of stalls. In general, we lived in the Children's Kingdom cheerfully, but weirdly.

In the Parent Monarchy, on the contrary, there was a severe order and complete silence. This is because the residents were engaged in scientific activity from morning till night: they wrote laws and monitored their implementation. Since the parents were all as one law-abiding, the laws were carried out rigorously, any deviations were immediately punishable with life imprisonment. Strictly according to the schedule, from 6 pm to 7.30 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays in clean to sterile conference rooms, debates were held on current issues and changes in legislation, on which boredom flies from drought, so there were not even insects in the Monarchy. And in general, the country was gloomy and boring. And how else can there be in the state where the houses and trees are leveled, on the line, the food is strictly balanced, and any step is determined by the regulations and regulations? After all, a self-respecting parent of childhood without instruction even went to the lavatory, not to mention public places ...

The adult Republic was just in the middle between the Children's Kingdom and the Parental Monarchy. The Republic flourished and was enriched by the supply of chupa-chups and other sweets to children and on the continuous supply of paper and ink to parents. Yes, yes, parents preferred to write in the old fashion, ink, and this product was very appreciated by them and was called "black gold". Adults were able and loved to work, and creation was their main goal of life. They created everything - from pots for children to academic caps for parents, mined natural resources and built space vehicles. Only now, along with prosperity and enrichment, general fatigue in the republic was increasingly coming, various diseases were overcoming, and mortality was steadily increasing. But adults did not pay attention to this, because it was necessary to develop industry and infrastructure, carry out geological surveys and increase production rates.

As time passed, the population of all three countries grew, and more and more coverage was required for houses and swings for children's playgrounds in the Children's Kingdom, as well as complex lunches and anti-radiculite belts in the Parental Monarchy. And in adults, as luck would have it, the decline in production - and the equipment has worn out, and half of the able-bodied population now and then sits on the hospital because there are no more forces. In general, there were supplies to tear down and leave neighbors without useful materials and without adequate nutrition.

That's when everyone got agitated. Parents need to write new laws - and nothing and nothing. Children are not enough developing games and really want to eat. And adults can hardly move, like autumn flies, just about to go into hibernation at all. What to do? How to survive?

History did not retain information, who first submitted the idea to arrange a general fee. In children's chronicles it is called "Big Tusovka", in parental - "Universal Summit", and in adults - "Triune Kingdom". The names are different, but the events are described the same: the general gathering took place, and fateful decisions were made on it.

But at first, of course, everyone at this gathering quarreled.

From the Children's Kingdom came King Vasya 482nd, because just on that day he managed to take away the crown from Petit 718th.

- What are you doing, how can you? Shouted Vasya, stomping his feet and puffing his already puffy cheeks. - The third day without cakes and roundabouts - where is it seen? Where is our happy childhood, tell at the mercy of ?? Yes, you just do not like children! We will complain! And cry! Y-y-yy-yy!

"If orders are formed and accepted for execution, then shipment and delivery must be carried out in due time and in proper form," the Monarch-Patriarch, a representative of the Parents, mumbled a note of protest from the sheet.

And the Chief Adult sat and just was silent. He was fatally tired, and he did not have the strength to enter into discussions.

But at some point the speakers were exhausted and, not having heard the answers to their questions, finally turned their attention to the hopelessly silent adult.

- Uncle. you feel bad? Asked King Vasya. He, in principle, was a kind boy, only very much keen on his own "hobby".

- Need help, son? - At last, looking up from the papers, he stared at him through the glasses of the Parent.

"I think so," the Adult finally said. - I'll tell you honestly: we are on the verge of exhaustion, and the Adult Republic is in danger. I'm afraid that soon we will not be able to provide you with everything you need, and yourself too. We ... we have the Great Depression, now!

- But why??? - Monarchs of neighboring countries cried out in one voice.

"We work hard, never rest, we are in chronic fatigue, and we have no recipes to fight this scourge."

This statement plunged the rulers into shock. But not for long. The first reacted Vasya 482nd. To begin with, he not without pity gave the Chief Adult Chocolate, which is a beach for a rainy day in the pocket of his robes, and then it all dawned:

- And we invite you to the Children's Kingdom, relax and unwind! We have there carousels, games are all kinds of, do not eat soup and generally fun!

"And we could rummage through our archives and libraries, where the entire world experience has been collected from the beginning of time, and find ways to deal with the Great Depression," the Monarch-Patriarch realized. - Be calm, we are all taken into account!

- Yes? - with hope raised his head Adult. - Is it really possible to arrange it?

Arrange it was not so easy - it took time and effort, but nevertheless the idea turned out to be fruitful. Accumulated by the Parental Monarchy, centuries-old experience was very useful, and regular tours to the Children's Kingdom began to quickly return to adults the joy of life.

"If you need to unwind, play tricks, tear yourself away from the full and feel like a child - this is for us! - such words were written on colorful booklets of the Children's Kingdom. - Execution of all your desires, games, dances and serene children's happiness - wholesale and retail. "

"Any consultations, historical comparisons, treasures of wisdom, examples from life, the experience of ancestors - for all time, for every taste !! Useful advice - as a gift! - read the prospectuses of the Parent Monarchy.

And adults ... Adults were now very good. Rested, scientifically savvy, they invented, produced, expanded, extracted and created with new forces-in general, progress was moving.

Since that memorable meeting, all three states have lived in peace and harmony, mutually complementing and mutually enriching each other, and are still flourishing. And in historical chronicles they are often called - the Triune State, or simply - the Triumvirate.