Kisel - the best recipes for a tasty and healthy drink

Kissel, the recipe of which is popular among housewives, is a jelly-like drink or a gelatinous dessert. It is prepared using a variety of bases - dairy, fruit, berry, cereal and even vegetable.

How to cook jelly?

Prepare a homemade jelly simply, but its technology still has its secrets. Having become acquainted with them, you will undoubtedly get a delicious dish:

  1. The starch used as the thickener should always be previously diluted in a small portion of a liquid base or water.
  2. Enter the starch solution into a boiling liquid base with a thin trickle, stirring it at the same time, or mix it with a cold base, and then warm it until it thickens.
  3. The density of the dessert is regulated by the proportions of the liquid and starch.
  4. It is preferable to allow the finished dessert to cool, unless otherwise specified in the formulation.

Milk jelly - recipe

Milk jelly - simple, delicious, fragrant and useful dessert, which is also made out elementary. Using these proportions in half an hour, an appetizing mousse delicacy will be ready for 4 people. It can be sprinkled with chocolate chips, chopped nuts or sprinkled with jam. For a more liquid structure, the amount of starch mass should be reduced by half.



  1. The jelly recipe is simple. Pour a third of milk, dissolve in it starch powder.
  2. Bring the remaining milk portion to a boil, sweeten, season with vanilla.
  3. Introduce starch milk, warm up a little, stirring. Do not boil!
  4. Cool the mass, place for an hour in the refrigerator and serve with additives.

Kissel from jam and starch

Next, you will learn how to boil a jelly from starch and jam. Delicacy on a fruit and berry basis is considered one of the most useful, but not always there is an opportunity to take a fresh or frozen product. In this case, you can refer to the stocks harvested in the summer and take as a basis the jam. 4 serving desserts will be ready in 30 minutes.



  1. Dissolve in the water jam, season the liquid to taste, give a boil and after five minutes filter.
  2. In a small portion of the cold water, the starch is dissolved, the mixture is mixed with the main liquid portion, the mixture is heated a little, stirring.

Kissel from cranberry - recipe

Home jelly, the recipe of which will be described below, has long been considered a true vitamin assistant in the treatment of certain diseases. In addition, this drink perfectly complements the diet menu when combating obesity . The secret of success in non-heat-treated juice that retains all its properties. Drink for three people can be cooked in an hour.



  1. Rinse the cranberries and squeeze the juice.
  2. Squeeze poured water and heated to almost boil, filtered and sweetened.
  3. In a small portion of cold water, the starch is dissolved and mixed with the liquid base.
  4. Warm the cranberry jelly to a boil, cool, mix the juice and serve.

Kissel from frozen berries - recipe

Surprisingly rich and fragrant, it is possible to eat jelly from frozen cherries, red and black currants, raspberries. In the off-season, the use of such blanks for the design of desserts is most expedient. The berries do not require preliminary defrosting, they are immediately put into operation, pulled from the freezer compartment. The following is a recipe for ten portions of the drink, which can be cooked in half an hour.



  1. The recipe for jelly from berries is simple. Pour the product with water, bring to a boil, filter, pulp grind and squeeze.
  2. The liquid base is sweetened, mixed with starch diluted in a small portion of the liquid.
  3. Warm the berry jelly to a boil, with continuous stirring.

Kissel from compote

Delicious jelly at home can be cooked from compote. And it is suitable as a canned ready-made product, as well as freshly brewed. Excessive sweetness can be leveled by adding lemon juice or a portion of water, and insufficient, sweetening the drink to taste. You can use both liquid base, and include in the form of slices of fruit or berries. Seven servings will be ready in thirty minutes.



  1. In a small amount of compote, dissolve the starch.
  2. The main portion is heated, adjusted if necessary to taste, mixed with the solution, stirring.
  3. Warm the jelly from compote and starch to a boil, cool.

Kissel from apples

Next, you will learn how to boil a jelly from fresh apple fruits. Dessert is prepared from apple broth mixed with ground apple pulp , which enriches the taste and value characteristics of the drink. Cooked with these proportions in thirty minutes, four portions of delicacies will have a liquid texture. For a more dense effect, you need to increase the amount of starch in one and a half to two times.



  1. Apples are cut into slices, boiled in water for ten minutes, poured onto a sieve, wiped.
  2. Squeezes are thrown away, and mashed potatoes are combined with broth, sweetened and mixed with starch water.
  3. With stirring, heat the mixture until thick, cool.

Kisel from dried fruits

The following recommendations will help you figure out how to prepare a jelly at home using dried fruit. Their valuable properties and excellent taste qualities will best manifest themselves in such a dessert. The most harmonious dish will be possible if you take a mix of several fruits. A drink for 5 persons will be ready in an hour.



  1. Dried fruits are boiled in liter of liquid for ten minutes, insist a little under the lid, filter.
  2. Sweeten the broth, warm it to a boil.
  3. Mix with starch water, combining the remaining ingredients.
  4. Serve jelly with dried fruits in a warm or cold form.

Kissel from oatmeal flakes

Further on how to cook oatmeal. This kind of surprisingly useful and nutritious Russian dish was prepared in ancient times. Nowadays it is often remembered about the jelly when there are various diseases, forgetting that regular use of the product could completely prevent them. The process of creating a dish is long, but worthwhile. After a day of this amount will be approximately 500 g of product.



  1. Flakes are poured with liquid at room temperature, add a piece of rye stale bread and leave under the same conditions in the dark for a day.
  2. After a while, filter the mass through a fine sieve and rub it a little.
  3. Squeezes can be used as a ferment for the next serving.
  4. The liquid component is placed in a saucepan on a plate and boiled until thick.
  5. If the texture appears thick, you can add a little water and allow to boil.
  6. When using a dish not for medicinal purposes, it is sweetened to taste or salted, flavored with berries, jam or other additives.