A congressional church - what does it mean to see a church in a dream?

For many people, the church is a stronghold and a support in hard times, when everything is collapsing or transformed in life, there is only one hope for God, so often seen in a dream the church is perceived as approaching a difficult period. As one or another dream book interprets the church in a dream is a matter requiring detailed consideration.

To dream of a church

Believers perceive the church in a dream as a forthcoming test and the need to strengthen spirituality at a deeper level, and what does the church in a dream mean for those who are atheists and do not recognize the existence of God? Rather, the dream will go unnoticed. People who attach importance to dreams, like talking with the unconscious, interpreting sleep, should pay attention to the following features:

Why dream about a church with icons inside?

The metaphysical interpretation of sleep can be viewed from the standpoint that the spiritual world of man is a kind of temple, and how the sleeper sees the church from within, one can speak about the degree of his spirituality, how spiritual he considers himself. The interior space with the iconostasis calls attention to the soul's need for sublime feelings and the desire to communicate with the Divine. Why dream about a church and icons, as interpreted by different dream books:

Why does the church dream outside?

The dreams in which the symbols of faith appear are not accidental - this can be a clue of the higher forces about the need to pay attention to the rethinking of values ​​and to turn towards spiritual development. When the church dreamed it was important to track down your state, which arose in a dream at the sight of the church monastery, that it was: a state of reverence or fear, you wanted to enter or bypass the temple side? Answering these questions to himself, a person is already beginning to understand why he dreamed this dream, other nuances can be interpreted with the help of dream-books:

Why dream about church and father?

The priest, or in a simple way, the priest is the conductor of the divine will, the sacred mysteries connected with faith. The appearance of a clergyman in a dream can talk about the need for support and caution in upcoming affairs. Interpretation dreamed the church and the priest:

Why dream of praying in the church?

Prayer is a powerful tool of the believer, it is a message to God and an expression of his respect and love. Praying in a dream in the church is basically a favorable sign. A detailed analysis of sleep can be done by looking into various confusing explanations:

What is the dream of a ruined church?

If you look into the Jewish dream book - the church that appeared in the dream is dilapidated or worse, the ruined prophesies need. Equally sad sad, which adversely interpreted all the dream books:

What does the wedding in the church dream about?

More and more people interested in a happy, harmonious family life want to go through the process of the wedding, believing that it will greatly cement the relationship. It is noticed that the dream about the wedding is more often dreamed of lovers or family people. What does the church dream about, inside of which the wedding ceremony is performed:

What is the service in the church?

Church services are always solemn, the sacraments that are performed in God's abode in many cause a feeling of reverence and involvement in divinity. Services are different, so the interpretation of the dream depends on what event or sacrament occurs in the church during sleep:

Why does the burning church dream?

In any dreams - emotions are an important component. The fire element is powerful, destroying everything in its path and the church is also powerless before the fire. When the symbol of faith burns in a dream - often it is a sign that everything that makes a difference a person can be destroyed, a loss of meaning. What is the dream of a burnt church or a fire that burns during sleep:

Why dream about putting a candle in a church?

A lit candle in the church is a symbol of gaining hope or a symbol of deep sorrow. Putting a candle in the church in a dream - the interpretation depends on what the candle was put for:

Why dream of a church being built?

Building a temple or seeing a church being built in a dream is a very good sign. Participation in the divine causes pacification and such a dream speaks of the harmony of the spiritual and the material in man. Why dream of building a church - as this is interpreted by famous dreamers:

Why dream about church and cemetery?

In ancient times, a cemetery on the territory of a church or church was common, the deceased there found their last refuge. Why dream about an abandoned church and graves: