Chahokhbili - recipe

Chahokhbili is a very famous and popular dish of traditional Georgian cuisine, which was previously cooked from pheasant, but over time the recipe spread and became popular far beyond the Caucasus. And with the spread, the recipe itself was transformed, because for the lack of a pheasant, it was cooked with chicken, duck, guinea fowl, quail and many other birds. So we offer you recipes from two different birds.

A simple recipe for cooking chahokhbili from chicken in Georgian



Preparation of this dish always begins with the choice of chicken, it should be with fresh, not repelling scent, the skin should be without stains and without serious damage. Then the chicken should be thoroughly washed and dried, then proceed to cutting it. First, separate the wings, cut the first phalanxes on them, you will not need them, they can be used for broth, and the second and third phalanxes simply divide among themselves. Now cut off the leg, they can be divided from three to four parts. Separate the shin and thigh between each other, divide the thigh along the bone, and if desired, the shin can be cut in half. Then cut the breast in the middle and separate both parts, and after each half of the breast divide into four. The rest of the chicken will be useful for broth on some soup.

Onions and bell peppers are prepared by cutting the first half rings, and the second straw. Tomatoes should be peeled and cut into small cubes. There are recipes for chahokhbili with tomato paste , but this is no longer Georgian, although in the absence of tomatoes 2-3 spoons of the paste dissolved in a glass of water can save the situation. In a well-heated pan with a thick bottom, put the chicken without adding oil. This is a feature of the traditional chahohby - the bird is subjected to dry roasting, in fact it is fried on its own fat. Periodically turn over, trying to fry from all sides, this procedure lasts about a quarter of an hour. Then add the onion, pepper and continue the frying, at a lower temperature. After that, after 10 minutes, add the tomatoes, add and simmer until the meat is ready. After you are convinced of the readiness, add hops-suneli, chopped garlic, greens and red pepper. Stir, wait a minute and serve.

The recipe for chahokhbili in the multivark is similar, the first stage is in the "Fry" or "Baking" mode with the lid open, and after adding tomatoes, turn on "Quenching" for 20 minutes and close the lid.

Chahokhbili from a duck - recipe



Wash the duck well, dry it and start cutting. To cut the chopped duck (without the ridge and ribs) put on a heavily heated deep frying pan, it must be roasted without oil, on own fat. After the duck pieces are well and fried on all sides, add onions cut into half rings, then chopped Bulgarian pepper and mix. After 10 minutes, put the peeled and shredded tomatoes, and after another ten, add water, half the vinegar and hops-suneli. After a quarter of an hour, try the sauce, if there is a lack of acid, add the remaining vinegar. By the way, you can use any you have as 9%, as well as wine or another. Some cooks replace vinegar with dry white wine. Also add sugar if necessary. And already on the home stretch, two minutes before cooking pour into the pan chopped garlic and greens.