Salt Free Diet

It so happened that for many centuries in our diet salty food prevails. Since ancient times, people to save for the winter meat and vegetables have learned to salted them. Yes, and itself, the original Russian word "raznosoly", expresses our love for the salt.

In the present times, we do not need to grease foods to provide ourselves with food for the winter. In any supermarket, even in the middle of the winter, you can find the right product that you will be brought from across the sea. But the traditions take their own, and we still can not refuse ourselves the pleasure of eating crispy salted cucumbers, herring, marinated mushrooms ... Especially often we eat them for dinner. And then, in the morning, we can not fasten our favorite jeans, and the face looks wrinkled and swollen. And all this is due to the fact that using a large amount of sodium (11-16 g - this daily norm of an adult person), we prevent the body from extracting excess fluid and products of cell metabolism. This leads to accumulation of fluid under the skin, which leads to its swelling.

In such cases, we recommend that you try a salt-free diet. Positive reviews about it leave all dieticians and doctors. When pregnancy is also prescribed a salt-free diet, but in this case, the diet of a woman is a doctor (the complete elimination of sodium from the body of a pregnant woman can adversely affect her health). A salt-free diet is recommended for people with cardiovascular and excretory diseases.

Recipe for a salt-free diet

Here everything is simple enough and if they adhere strictly to the rules of the diet (the duration of which is from 7 to 14 days), then within 7 days you can not only get rid of edema, but lose up to 5 kg of excess weight.

Salted mono-diet

If desired, you can also try salt-free mono-diet. Its meaning is that for 3 days you will eat only one type of food. The result - 8 kg in the minus for 15 days, brought this salt-free diet a lot of positive feedback. But for pregnant women such salt-free diet is not suitable, because it is difficult to tolerate and for a while deprives the body of a portion of vitamins and microelements necessary in the daily diet. So, the menu of salt-free diet:

  1. The first 3 days you need to eat a steamed chicken fillet.
  2. Then 3 days you eat any porridges boiled on the water (do not forget, without salt).
  3. The next 3 days you can eat any non-fat fish.
  4. Then 3 days you eat only vegetables (raw and boiled without salt), except potatoes.
  5. And the last 3 days you have to eat any fruit (up to 1.5 kg per day).

It is possible that after the end of the salt-free diet, the usual dishes seem to you too salty. And this is a good chance to reduce the amount of salt consumed and to say goodbye to edemas forever.