These photos will change your outlook on life!

Life is not as bad as it seems.

1. This man gave an opportunity to an elderly woman to sit on his back when the elevator was stuck:

2. Imagine how you walk down the street, and you see this:

Free flowers for those you love.

3. A man helps the turtle cross the road:

4. It's nice to get a free meal:

Accidental manifestation of kindness. Help yourself at my expense.

5. These are photographs of a young couple Ahmed and Fatima. Despite the fact that Ahmed has no hands, and Fatima has legs, they care about each other and enjoy life:

6. The tennis player fulfills the fan's dream:

7. There are still people in our world who are not indifferent:

8. This man teaches his girlfriend the alphabet after she lost her memory:

"Patience, love and understanding work miracles."

9. This boy met with his hero:

"How are you, buddy?" This is for you.

10. This girl received the gift she wanted most:

Her father returned home from Afghanistan on her third birthday.

11. New Year is a holiday for everyone:

12. This man calmed the child in the subway:

13. This inscription was made by the guy at the time when his mother was treated for cancer in the hospital opposite:

Mom, God bless you.

14. This is a story about a man and his dog:

15. A veteran receives congratulations during a marathon:

16. This elderly couple does not care how old they are:

17. Kindness has no religion and no nationality:

18. All the wishes would be fulfilled as quickly as possible:

19. The elder brother calms the kid:

20. Rainbow store:

The inscriptions on the drawings: "The store of the rainbow. It's free" ; "You do not need to spend money."

21. This guy's dream came true:

22. A man reads a book every week for a person who does not know how to read:

23. Proof that love can last a lifetime: