Exercises to increase the buttocks

The owners of the big priests are constantly jealous of those who have this part of the body too small, thinking that increasing the buttocks is not an easy matter. But in fact, this is not so, to increase the buttocks there are special exercises, the implementation of which will require some effort. However, to increase the volume of buttocks there is a simpler way: to entrust your body to a plastic surgeon. But, if you do not even admit such a thought, then the only way out is sports. Of course, most of the exercises to increase the volume of the buttocks are for exercise in the gym. But those who do not have the opportunity to regularly attend fitness clubs should not despair, effective exercises to increase the buttocks at home is. And not all of them are complex.

Exercises to increase the buttocks

  1. One of the most effective exercises to increase the buttocks and give them a beautiful form, are squats. If this exercise is performed in the gym, then you will be recommended to do squats as deep as possible, and even with a barbell on your shoulders. Exercise is quite difficult, and where to take the bar at home? Therefore, at home, this exercise to increase the buttocks can be done by picking up dumbbells (equal in weight to the book, any other weighting agent). For a start, you can do incomplete sit-ups, but strive to ensure that the priest almost touched heels. Try to come to this later. This exercise is carried out in 2 sets, 10-15 sit-ups each. Take care that heels do not come off the floor.
  2. Another good exercise to increase the buttocks - walking, but not simple, but on the wall. It is performed as follows. Lie on the floor, hands along the trunk. And feet, bent at the knees at an angle of 900, rest against the wall. Well and further, actually walking. Two steps on the wall up, two down. The difficulty lies in the fact that during this exercise the buttocks from the floor need to be torn off. You need to do this exercise 10-15 times.
  3. To train the muscles of the inner surface of the thigh you will need a chair and a ball. The chair needs a net, and the ball is clamped between the knees. Squeeze the ball with your feet for about 30 seconds.
  4. And here's another exercise to strengthen the buttocks and the inner thighs. No hand tools are needed. Sit down on the floor, take your hands back and rest them on the floor. And then you need to move forward and back on the floor, using your buttocks for walking. You need to do this exercise for 2-3 minutes.
  5. A very good exercise in order to tighten the gluteus maximus is to withdraw the leg back. For this exercise, you need a chair. Stand leaning your hands on his back and begin to perform the mahi foot back, trying to raise it as high as possible. The number of repetitions is 10-15 for each leg. If you want to strengthen the inner surface of the thigh, then you need to perform the swings with your foot to the side, also resting on the back of the chair.
  6. Rest on the floor with your knees and elbows, your back needs to be straightened. Straighten one leg in the knee and lift it so that the leg and back are one line. And already from such a situation we begin to make the mahi foot up and down. The number of repetitions is 10-15 for each approach, and the approaches, in turn, are not less than 2. Naturally, the exercise is done for both legs. And be sure to keep your back flat. This exercise works on the back of the thigh and the gluteus maximus.

Well, when you get the right amount and shape of the buttocks, do not throw the exercises. Anyway, to maintain the shape they need to be carried out. And even better to do some kind of sport. For example, start riding a bicycle or rollerblading, or running around in the morning.