Pouring of black chokeberry on vodka

Pouring from black chokeberry on vodka of own preparation is a tasty and natural spirit drink. Having prepared it yourself, you can be sure of the quality of the finished product.

Pouring of black chokeberry on vodka - recipe



Broken berries of black arctic ash pour into the jar. Fill them with vodka, pour sugar and mix well. Cover the can with a lid and remove the days for 60 in a dark place. It should have room temperature. If there is no such place, then the capacity can be simply covered with something, so that there is no access to the light. Approximately 1 time in 5 days you need to shake the jar. When this time expires, we pour out the filling, distribute it in containers and tightly seal it.

Pouring of rowan on vodka



Prepared berries rowan pour into the jar and press them with a rolling pin. We add cloves, sugar. The contents of the jar are mixed thoroughly, we tie gauze with gauze and put it in a dark place. Then pour in the vodka, close and set for 2 months in a dark place, which maintains room temperature. We filter the filling through the cheesecloth and cotton wool layer, and then distribute it by the containers. You can keep this drink for up to 3 years.

Pouring out black ashberry on vodka with honey



Berries of mountain ash are placed in a jar, pour in vodka, put honey and mix thoroughly. Then close the lid and leave it for 2-3 months in a warm place. Approximately once every 7 days, the container should be shaken. Ready to fill the filter and distribute the containers. This drink is stored for a long time.

Pouring out black ashberry on vodka - recipe



Rowan berries can not be washed, just sort them, removing the damaged ones. Then we put them in a jar, pouring berries with sugar. The bottom layer should be berries, and the top layer - sugar. We tie the neck of the jar with gauze. We remove the container in heat. Days after 5, when the berries are wandered, we set a canal on the jar or put on a medical glove. We pierce one of the fingers with a needle so that there is an outlet for carbon dioxide. Once a day with this jar you need to shake. When the fermentation is over, and the glove is blown off, the ready beverage is filtered through gauze. Then pour in the vodka and carefully mix. We dispense the ready nourishing in bottles, cork with stoppers and we keep it for 2 months in the cellar.

How to prepare a liqueur from a chokeberry on a vodka?



We press the unwashed berries of the black-browed mountain ash with our hands, with a crush or rub with a blender until uniform. It is not necessary to wash the berries, since for normal fermentation on the surface there must be natural yeast that contribute to this process. The resulting berry mass is placed in a jar, put sugar and mix well. Cover it with a lid and transfer it to a dark place with room temperature. Once a day during the entire fermentation process, the future filling should be mixed with a wooden stick. The first signs of fermentation will appear in 4 days. Now we install a water trap. Days after 40-45 the cream will ferment, filter it, add vodka, stir. Then we distribute it in bottles, it is well corked with stoppers and we remove 2-3 months into the cellar. After that, the fill will be completely ready for submission.