Thyrotropic hormone is normal in women

Hormonal balance is a combination of very thin and closely interrelated mechanisms. Any violation of it leads to a change in the work of all systems in the body and can cause serious illness. With endocrine examination, blood must be given for thyroid-stimulating hormone - the norm in women does not have a constant value, since this indicator varies depending on the time of day, age and state of health.

What is the norm of thyroid stimulating hormone?

For an adequate assessment of the concentration of the substance, it is necessary to donate blood in the morning, around 8 hours. In women, the normal level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is between 0.4 and 4 μIU / ml.

Before visiting the laboratory, it is important to exclude food intake and smoking 3 hours before the study, to avoid stress and exercise during the coming days.

The norm of thyroid stimulating hormone in pregnancy

The indicators for future mothers are slightly different. In addition, it is important to consider the time:

A thyroid-stimulating hormone above norm or rate

Since the described compound is produced by the pituitary gland, an increase in its concentration suggests a tumor of this organ, often a thyrotropic and basophilic adenoma.

In addition, there are such causes of excess TSH in the blood:

It is important to note that an increase in TSH signals a pathology in the thyroid gland. To clarify the diagnosis and the progression of the condition, additional blood tests are required for the level of triiodothyronine and thyroxine.

Thyrotropic hormone below normal

The disadvantage of TTG is provoked by such factors: