Swelling of the ankle - reasons, treatment

Swelling of the ankle is manifested in the form of soft tissue inflammation in the articular region, accompanied by combat sensations. The ankle joint swells as a result of accumulation of excess fluid due to deterioration of the lymphatic or circulatory system.

Causes of ankle swelling

The severity of edema and pain manifestations in the ankle depends on the cause of inflammation. Let's mention the main ones.


Most often, pain and swelling in the ankle arises after an injury. The following injuries of the ankle joint are distinguished:

With injuries, blood flows into the soft tissues and joint cavities. In addition, traumatic injuries lead to a violation of the outflow of blood through the veins. As a result, blood stasis and, accordingly, swelling.


Another common cause of ankle edema. The disease causes degeneration of cartilaginous tissue, which gradually stiffens, and between the deformed elements there is friction and swelling. Arthritis, as a rule, affects the elderly, and it can be a consequence of rheumatism, gout and other metabolic disorders and a malfunction in the immune system.

Inflammation of the joints

Arthrosis, bursitis, synovitis, often cause the swelling in the ankle joint. An incorrect allocation of synovial fluid leads to its accumulation, because of which the legs swell noticeably.

Diseases of blood vessels

Pathological changes in the veins associated with thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, cause an increase in venous pressure and interfere with normal outflow of blood.

Cardiological pathologies

Heart failure , as well as serious diseases of the lungs, liver and kidneys, accompanied by a violation of the cardiovascular system, contribute to the accumulation of fluid in the body.


Bacterial and viral infections of soft tissues are another cause of edema of the lower extremities, and incorrectly conducted therapy can cause sepsis.

Treatment of ankle swelling

Defining the methods of treating the swelling of the ankle joint, proceed from the cause that caused edematous phenomena. The specialist, having diagnosed, chooses the methods of therapy, recommending:

In inflammatory diseases (arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis), procedures for removing pus and administering antibiotics can be performed. To activate blood microcirculation in the capillaries introduce Curantil, Trental, etc., and to strengthen the veins use Diosmin and its analogues. In violation of metabolic processes, an important place is played by adherence to a special diet.