How to be, if you are ego-seeker?

There are women for whom food is a real drug. For the sake of a favorite cake they are ready for almost anything. Most likely, it indicates a food disorder or that you are a fidget.

Signs of food dependence

1. Food is for you a encouragement or a consolation.

If in life there is any trouble or problem, then to calm down you go to the refrigerator. Also, you behave if something good has happened in your life, that is, you encourage yourself to eat.

2. You eat without feeling hungry.

If you go to the kitchen, you will see some food, then you certainly eat it, but in fact, at that moment, there was absolutely no desire. There are days when you are constantly chewing something.

3. Sometimes you do not control the amount eaten.

From time to time pamper yourself with delicious normal, but if such holidays you have been going on quite regularly, this may be a sign of egoism. The reasons for such disruptions can be different, for example, strict diet, boredom, etc.

4. In public, you eat right.

During a meeting with friends on your plate, always useful food and in small quantities. But when you get home, you start to overeat, and in a flash you can eat everything that is in the refrigerator: meat, pasta , sausage, fish, cakes, chips, etc.

5. Echoes of "hungry" childhood.

You never leave food in a plate and eat everything regardless of the size of the serving. Also, you never go past the discounts for food, as there is an opportunity to buy your favorite products 2 times cheaper. On a visit try to eat, as much as possible, as if in reserve.

Causes of egoism

  1. Very often many parents try to feed their children through strength, sometimes this habit goes with them and into adulthood. A man eats, because it is so necessary, and not because of a feeling of hunger.
  2. Psychological hunger. Sometimes it is in food that people look for solutions to their problems, are distracted from stress, forget about failures, and hide from loneliness.
  3. Sometimes food hunger can be confused with sexual. Quite often, the need for sex, many women just jam. This applies not only to single women, but even to those who are in a relationship.

What to do?

Sometimes to get rid of this dependence, one desire is not enough, although awareness of the problem is the first step on the road to success. In order to be cured of egoism, one must turn to a psychologist, just like with addiction or alcoholism. The expert will help to find the reason for the appearance of this dependence, and will suggest ways of solving this problem.

Your task is to change your life in small but sure steps and start eating right. Thanks to this you will not only lose weight, but improve your health and your psychological state, and life will play in completely different colors.

A few tips for proper nutrition

  1. Conduct a revision of the refrigerator, discard all harmful products and try not to buy them anymore. Thus, the temptation to eat something forbidden is reduced to a minimum.
  2. Diversify your diet, even if it includes completely different products: meat, fruits, vegetables, cereals , seafood, etc.
  3. Eat a little, at least 4 times a day. Thanks to this you will not feel hungry, and once again you will not get the hang of it. Only in this case, be sure to control the size of portions, they should not be huge.
  4. Learn to cook very tasty, but the right dishes. Today, there are a large number of recipes from the available products that women can prepare for the first time standing behind the stove.

A little effort and desire, and you will certainly get rid of this dependence and learn to get pleasure from food and reasonable pleasure.