Heaviness in the right upper quadrant - reasons

Unpleasant sensations in the right side can be of different strength. Everything depends on the causes of gravity in the right hypochondrium. A variety of factors can cause discomfort. And if you pay attention to anxious bells in time, you will avoid serious problems.

Why does weight appear in the right hypochondrium?

Almost all adults know what is pain or heaviness in the right hypochondrium. Unpleasant sensations can appear suddenly, soon after eating food or because of playing sports.

On the right side under the ribs is the liver. Therefore, in most cases it turns out that discomfort is caused by violations in the work of this particular body. But there are other factors that have a bearing on the appearance of gravity.

  1. If unpleasant feelings pester you with unenviable persistence, hurry to pass tests for hepatitis. Chronic or slowly developing forms of the disease sometimes make themselves felt in this way.
  2. The cause of the severity arising in the right hypochondrium after eating can be various pathologies of the bile ducts: stones, cholangitis, cholecystitis . Eating food helps to activate the gallbladder. The sick body with such a load can not cope for 100%. Hence - the discomfort under the ribs.
  3. The heaviness is often complained of patients suffering from blood circulation disorders. Because of various pathologies, the heart can not actively pump venous blood. The latter accumulates in the liver. The organ increases in size, which, in turn, is fraught with the appearance of unpleasant sensations.
  4. The causes of severe pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium are ailments that affect the right kidney. It can be polycystosis, a good or malignant tumor, echinococcosis, abscess, tuberculosis.
  5. Shingles show up with various unpleasant symptoms. Including uncomfortable sensations in the field of ribs.
  6. If the heaviness in the right upper quadrant began to bother after the holidays, the reason, most likely, is overeating and discomfort in the intestine.
  7. A normal phenomenon is soreness in the right hypochondrium during pregnancy. Especially in later terms. During this period, the expanding uterus and growing fetus oppress the rest of the organs, pressurize them.
  8. Do not be surprised if the appearance of gravity was preceded by trauma. Discomfortable sensations in most cases indicate a fracture of the ribs. Therefore, X-ray examination will not be superfluous.
  9. Another cause of severity in the right hypochondrium is pancreatitis . The ailment is also accompanied by severe girdling pain. Localization of it in one place often speaks about the transition of an ailment into a chronic form.
  10. Heaviness under the ribs, acute pain and limited mobility - symptoms of intercostal neuralgia or osteochondrosis of the lumbar region.
  11. One of the most dangerous causes is liver oncology or metastases that penetrated the organ.

Treatment of discomfort

Before treating the severity in the right hypochondrium, it is necessary to find out the causes of the problem. The diet is prescribed regardless of what caused discomfort. From the diet for the time of diagnosis and treatment will have to exclude all fatty and spicy dishes, alcohol, pickles.

To abuse folk recipes should not, but a little to support the body with their help, even before the diagnosis can be:

  1. Broths of the immortelle will contribute to strengthening the tone of the gallbladder.
  2. Purify the body and strengthen the heart muscle corn stigmas.
  3. Drink from the fruit of dogrose to patients with hepatitis and cholecystitis should be used even with normal health.