Tile in bathroom

Finishing the bathroom is necessarily accompanied by a painful choice of color and design, even more difficult to determine the type of finishing materials. The variety is so great that the eye clings to every bright demonstration wall in the building market. If with the design the consumer usually quite successfully solves the issue himself, then the choice of the type of tile turns out to be an order of magnitude more complicated.

Floor tiles in the bathroom

The floor covering, as a rule, remains monophonic or without a complex pattern. It is important to find a durable and practical solution. There are several types of floor tiles.

  1. The most outstanding and incredibly popular type is clinker. This material is simply nasty or glossy, the surface is really nice. But the choice is not so great, because the color scale is usually reduced to natural shades, close to yellow and brick. Therefore, even high strengths do not always become a sufficient reason for buying, unless the bathroom design does not keep up with the design of the tile.
  2. Otto recalls the first type, but its structure is much more porous. This finishing material is never covered with glaze, therefore, it is rarely chosen. If you still decide on otto, pay special attention to the hydrophobic properties, otherwise the spots may appear with time.
  3. Once they give a firing and cover with a glaze monocoature. This flooring material has the highest strengths, to all it almost does not absorb moisture and steam.
  4. The most expensive in this list will be porcelain stoneware, but it will fully justify its price. And not only for the bathroom, this solution will be optimal: the ceramic granite behaves perfectly even when it is the bottom of the pool, which means that the temperature drops and the humidity of the bathroom are absolutely not terrible for him.

When you look for the perfect tile in the bathroom for the floor, pay attention to some subtleties. For example, you succumbed to the mood and decided to buy a white tile, a symbol of cleanliness and freshness in the bathroom. This decision takes place, but with one reservation. Always look at the pictograms printed on the packaging. Not every consultant knows for sure whether the chosen tile should be placed on the floor. A symbol in the form of a foot will indicate that the material is for the floor and was designed.

Wall tiles in bathroom

The requirements for the wall are slightly softer, since the loads will be lower. But the moment with the low coefficient of moisture absorption remains relevant, therefore we keep this characteristic on the control and carefully study it at the chosen model. With tiles for the wall in the bathroom you will not have easy, because the variety of designs is not just growing, but constantly improving. There are several main areas, among which the following will never be out of date: