Baking soda - good and bad

Sodium bicarbonate, or E500 - is nothing more than the baking soda known to everyone, which is found in the kitchen of every landlady. It is obtained in the course of the ammonia-chloride reaction at the factory. But in spite of the fact that soda is produced by chemical means, it has many useful properties. First of all, it is widely used in everyday life for culinary purposes, and also as a mild abrasive for cleaning various surfaces. In addition, it is used for medical and industrial purposes. And recently it turned out that soda can be used to improve health and even lose weight. So, what is the use of drinking soda for the body - about this later in the article.

Why is baking soda useful?

This product since Soviet times is actively used as a cheap, home remedy for heartburn . Soda, having an alkaline reaction, is able to lower the aggressive acidity of the gastric contents, thereby giving a feeling of burning sensation.

As a local antiseptic, an aqueous solution of soda is actively used in dental practice, as well as in inflammatory diseases of ENT organs. In folk medicine, you can meet the recommendations to brush your teeth with a mixture of tooth powder and soda, which whitens tooth enamel and removes plaque. The effect of this remedy is really fast and visible. Nevertheless, professional dentists do not recommend using this compound, as it has a high abrasive activity and can easily damage the enamel of the teeth.

With a disease such as psoriasis, the E500, added to the water when taking a bath, can reduce itching and flaking. Pasta made from soda and water helps to relieve burning and irritation of the skin after biting mosquitoes and other insects, as well as burns with the caustic juice of some plants.

Apply sodium bicarbonate and athletes during enhanced training. The fact that it is able to block lactic acid, which is formed in the muscles as a result of intense physical exertion, thereby delaying fatigue, a sense of pain and increasing the performance indicators.

Also, British scientists conducted studies that showed a positive dynamics of improvement in well-being and clinical picture in patients with serious impairment of kidney function, which was treated with baking soda.

In addition, many healers and advocates of alternative medicine recommend taking baking soda on an empty stomach. The positive properties of alkalized water are the normalization of acid-base balance in the body, dilution of blood, strengthening of immunity and cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. Some oncologists are also advised to take this remedy not only to reduce the likelihood of tumor metastasis, but also in the process of remission, to prevent recurrence of the disease. Despite the indications in which it is recommended to take fasting soda, there are a number of contraindications. It is forbidden to use this method of healing the body immediately after eating, or directly in front of it, since soda does not have to interact directly with the process of digesting food. People suffering from serious digestive problems should also rule out the intake of soda.

Drinking soda for weight loss

Baking soda is a truly unique product for weight loss. Due to its use, toxins and harmful substances are naturally and painlessly evacuated from the body, as well as active fission of fats. To achieve the maximum result, it is necessary to combine the intake of the food supplement E500 with exercise and proper nutrition . Talking about how to take baking soda for weight loss, then everything is very simple. This procedure consists in taking in the morning, at least 30 minutes before eating a glass of water with a diluted ½ teaspoon of soda. You can also take soda baths, adding to the water (37-38 degrees Celsius) 200 grams of this product. These baths take a 10-day course every other day and after 20 days you can see an impressive result.

Dish of baking soda

The use of baking soda is indisputable, but its reception can inflict harm to the body, if you do not take into account contraindications.

It is not recommended to use soda for pregnant and lactating mothers, people with hypertensive disease, with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, for women during critical days. In addition, in no case can not exceed the recommended dosage. Otherwise, not only digestion can be disturbed, but also the acid-base balance of the whole organism, and this can already threaten serious violations by internal organs and systems.