21 sense, unknown to modern youth

Time is ruthless. Everything changes. And on those problems that seemed archival to us, our grandchildren wondered in amazement: how can you worry about such nonsense? How and why?! And here they are - the first swallows.

1. Modern youth do not even know how to record information on discs. What can we say about that indescribable feeling that you feel when you have successfully completed the song ...

2. How it was exciting - for the first time listen to your CD in your CD player.

3. But it's even more exciting to find an archive with disks. An evening of nostalgia is provided.

4. It's now downloading the song takes a couple of minutes from strength. But in fact a few years ago the download of one track was stretched by the clock. And when it was finished, I wanted to open a bottle of champagne.

5. Oh, this particular humor in the morning shows.

6. And how we worried about the participants of the show "Search and Date". What did guys and girls not find in each other's rooms ...

7. Now some of Lizzie McGuire's hairstyles seem strange to us, but then almost all teenage girls dreamed of the same.

8. The phenomenon of the group "TATU" will be heard for a long time. But the young people will not be able to feel the depth of the creativity of this couple.

9. Once stationary phones (not to mention mobile) were a rarity. Therefore, the appearance of a new message on the answering machine waited almost as much as New Year's gifts.

10. With the launch of cartridges, there were often problems. Therefore, to start the game immediately after the cartridge was inserted into the console, only real lucky ones could.

11. Film cameras of all taught accuracy - nobody wanted to accidentally light a film and lose a good half of the staff.

12. How cool it was when the CD player was placed in your pocket and you could listen to music on the go without fear of crashing the gadget.

13. Few people remember this, but after all once about the existence of "VKontakte" knew only the elite. And as friends, there really was nobody to add.

14. Enkarta Encyclopedia seemed to be able to teach everything. Therefore, if it did not provide the necessary information, it was very difficult to cope with the disappointment.

15. And remember, what was the happiness when the Tamagotchi ceased to be an infant and grew up?

16. Now they also meet with such people. But Internet Explorer users are getting smaller, and as the browser hangs up, only a few see - the most dedicated.

17. Is it possible to imagine a pharmaceutical treat better than a vitamin "Revit"? As experience shows, yes, you can ...

18. And these tsiferki on cheese. At least someone managed to collect the entire numerical series?

19. Give the modern teenager a stencil, and he will not understand what to do with it. Moreover, he does not understand what to upset if a crack appears on it.

20. They will not believe, if we tell them that the old "Nokia" could safely hammer nails ...

21. And they are unlikely to be able to assemble such a designer table without outside help. Well, perhaps only after watching the manual on YouTube: D