Fortune telling on wax

Since ancient times, the girls practiced fortune telling on wax. After all, who just does not want to raise the curtain of the mysteries of the future? So, earlier in Russia this occupation was favored both among peasant women, and townspeople. Let us revive this kind of divination with the help of the following recommendations and techniques.

Divination with wax and water: basic recommendations

For an effective result, you must know absolutely all the secrets and special rules of this fortune telling. It is important to note that wax is a truly energy-informational material that can not only remove certain information, but also give it away. This explains the fact that with its help you can get something that is hidden from everyone's attention. Before you begin to guess, it's worth remembering that:

  1. It is not recommended to use in the process of divination candles, bought in the store because in most cases they are made of paraffin. It is also important how you will break it. So, the vertical candle is a symbol of the direction of your desire for the Higher Powers, God, and breaking it, you break this connection. You do not want, therefore, in divination on wax for love, to destroy your happiness? So use this material. Wax can be bought, for example, in beekeeping shops or take church candles, remove the wick, without breaking the candle, roll into a ball.
  2. When you resort to the classic method of waxing, which will be discussed below, pour into one place to form a figure. In the event that the wax spreads on the water, this indicates the inaccuracy of your request.
  3. Since water is information material, it is prohibited to use it from the tap or the old water, because it remembers a lot. Take only Epiphany. If not, pour into a plastic bottle, freeze it and use it only on the day of divination.
  4. For greater effect from divination, it is recommended to place a small mirror on the bottom of the vessel with water. It is necessary to pour water over it. Thus, the mirror will not allow information to disperse to the sides and casting wax will be most clear.

Now let's move on to the process of divination. Let us consider in more detail the classical wax divination .

Remember that it must be carried out only when the moon ascends. If you are guessing along with your friends, then the vessel should be large. It is necessary:

Figures in fortune-telling

We bring to your attention the most common interpretations of the elements appearing on the water:

  1. Turtle - wisdom and longevity. Happy family life.
  2. Apple is material wealth, love.
  3. Egg - the impending changes.
  4. The stripes are a road, a long trip.
  5. The cross is a symbol of trials.
  6. Beast - be careful.
  7. Fan - problems in his personal life.
  8. Grapes are prosperity, abundance, luck.
  9. The key is a possible change of place of residence.
  10. A flower is the meeting of a new reliable partner, marriage.
  11. Star - get what you expect.
  12. Horseshoe - happiness.
  13. The figure of a person is a new friend.
  14. Dragon - the coming year is successful for you.
  15. The bridge is a way out of a difficult situation.
  16. The leaf of the tree is a joy, but a warning about the danger of deception.
  17. Mill - unnecessary talk, nonsense.
  18. Swan - the long-awaited good news.
  19. Birds - meeting with an old friend.
  20. Bee - hard work, the achievement of the desired.
  21. Hammer - turn the mountains for the sake of purpose.
  22. Glasses - do not want to see anything. Recognize your misconceptions, change your course.

In case you find it difficult to recognize figures, look at the shadows that are discarded by the waxy block.